
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Now that I've gotten over the shock of the E2, and that it is on its way, I got  inspired to finish another project. This was a purse that I had cut out from Forever young on page 30, probably a year ago, it has just been sitting around being purple. I saw a challenge a few days ago, so I thought I would DR. this little baby up and enter the challenge, it has all the elements and I am the second person entering the challenge


  1. Such a cute purse!!! I have stuff sitting around like that too, guess I better get with it and finish it. And I have an E2 on it's way too!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!! Didn't it look so cool?!?

  2. This is such a pretty purse! I love the trim that you've used on it. It's such a nice touch!

  3. Very pretty purse Diana. It's so nice when you finish something that been hanging around a while. Hugs, Anne :)

  4. So cute! Hanging onto it for a year!? You go girl nice to get it done! Thanks so much for joining us over at the Creative Cutter Room! DT Member Carri :)

  5. This is so adorable!!! Love the idea. Thanks for sharing it in the Creative Cutter Room. It's nice to have friends join in on the fun. Cathie
