
Saturday, June 25, 2011


It's me again, Clean, everything is ironed I've got two more loads of clothes to wash and the Banana Bread is out of the oven.  I think I will have some of that before I continue on in the art room. I will probably post something later.
I had some requests for the recipe so here it is:


  1. OMG Yummy my favorite. Recipe Please.


  2. Woo Hoo DI-ANNNN-AH! Nummy looking bread there my friend! Is EVERYONE baking today haha? I made bread, had folks over for lunch, also made frozen yogurt (to DIE for) and invented up a coconut, lime and ginger salad dressing. Might have to remake those items as I did not take a photo, but should do it again so that I CAN share. No fun keeping it to oneself. I ♥ Banana bread.

    Bike ride sounds fun, my FIL was here recently and got my bike all fixed up and good to go. But I think my Mr. has a walk planned for us which is probably better because I hurt my tailbone (accident on my rower machine) looong story and embarassing too haha. So a walk will be less painful than a bike ride.

    Thanks for your visits to my blog, I really REALLY appreciate your comments.

    Have a great rest of your day.

    ~ Barb (Mrs. Miles)

  3. YES PLEASE, I want some banana bread!! My gosh this looks so delish!! I agree with Kate...recipe please!! :D


  4. Thank you so much for posting the recipe...I printed it out and am going to go to the store tomorrow to get the ingredients!! I can almost smell it baking now...ummmm, yummy :D

  5. Thank you so much for posting the recipe! I can't wait to make my own yummy banana bread!

  6. Yummy!! Banana bread is one of my favorite treats!!
    Thanks for sharing your recipe!
    Sherrie K

  7. Now that looks pretty good.. thanks for posting the recipe... sounds like you have been a busy lady today.
