
Thursday, January 5, 2012


Good Morning,
I hope you are feeling thankful for a lot today. I know I heard from  a lot of you this past week saying how much you were thankful for. I am just beginning to think, thankfulness just never ends. The more I give the more I get. Everyday I learn something new. I just learned something new  tonight. I am still up from yesterday so I am going to make this post short. I will be back later to post what the giveaway is, but I will have a linkup later for you to make a project . I haven't figured out what it will be yet. I'm going to sleep on it. I'll try to post it around 9:00 am PST  So come back and see what it is. I will give you plenty of time to link a project up.
See you later this morning.

Something came up  ---I have to go out of town.  I won't be back until later this afternoon or evening to put up the linky--  Sorry

Just to get your creative juices going -- Look up the word thankful and think about it - then I will give you a challenge.  10:15 am


  1. I'm new to your blog but i like the Thankful Thursday. I'm going to make sure every Thursday i say what im thankful for and have a positive attitude. Thanks for being such a great person.

  2. Awesome Diana...your words always hit home!!! I find something new to be thankful for each and every day.

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