
Thursday, May 10, 2012


Good morning fiends,

 Challenge is open until May 25th  on my video I said the 18th -- I'm correcting it here.

Here is the prize:These embellishments along with some handmade paper

 I thought I would try something different this week  I hope you will enter.
 Watch the video for the challenge info:

Hugs, Diana


  1. Happy Thankful Thursday Diana! What a fabulous "bunch" of reasons to be thankful! Gorgeous goodies! I am thankful for the little bit of crafty time I was able to sneak in last night. I am a bit tired from staying up past my bedtime, but nonetheless, happy to have created a card, visited some friends blogs, and published a post!
    Jessica S

  2. Hi Diana, today surely wanna leave a comment here first time. Today I am really Thankful to my 2.7 years old son, who is happy today and I could get around 90-95 min to complete some percentage of a order. usually if I work than he feels ignored so I wait for him to sleep than do some crafting. But today is a bit different. Thanks baby Sparsh, please be like that daily :).

  3. Ok, I'm going to step out of the usual thankful box to mention that I'm thankful for the ad that preceded Diana's wonderful thankful video. Usually I click to skip the annoying ads but this time it was a trailer video about all the movies Johnny Depp has made with Tim Burton including the new upcoming Dark Shadows movie that premiers tomorrow 5/11. So, most of you know I'm a big fan of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow but also a fan of all the movies he has made with Tim Burton. Also, found out that Johnny Depp is going to tour with Aerosmith. Johnny Depp plays guitar and this would be amazing to see so I'm hoping the tour comes to Central TX to see. I also saw Johnny Depp on the Ellen show this wk.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  4. Hi Diana, Your Blog friends are thankful for you with their sweet of them.
    I am Thankful today because I entered a few challenges for National Scrapbooking Day/Month since last Saturday and found out I won one of them...It's great to see your project displayed as a winner...I am one that never expects to win but have to say, it feels great and for that I am thankful.
    Happy Thankful Thursday and have a great week!
    Dee B

  5. thank you diane I just recieved my goodies and I love those pretty flowers am going to use them for sure. hugs

  6. Wow what wonderful gifts and cards you recieved! Today at this very moment I am thankful for having my husband home from work today so that we could have some much needed family time with our girls! Even though me and my oldest are getting over a nasty sickness, I'm still just thankful to have this time together!

    Carol (Carol's Creations)

  7. Hello Diana, Happy Thankful thursday to you, what a nice group of crafty friends you got! am thankful today because I am planning a trip to visit family. Also I just find out I won some goodies on a blog hop, plus we are in good health and of course I am thankful for blogs like yours :)
    Plenty to be thankful for :)
    Have a blessed day!

  8. Hi Diana, I am thankful that my family encourages my crafting and ignores the mess. I am thankful for the blog friends I have. I am thankful that my family is healthy, especially my 80 year old parents.

  9. Hi Diana I am thankful I have three wonderful grown daughters. My middle daughter just bought a house all on her own. Of course living at home and not having to pay rent helped. She closes next Tuesday and I will be sad for her to move out and take her little beagle Lucy with her. I will miss them both but I am so proud of her accomplishment. Karen

  10. Nice video, Diana! Love happy mail! I've been getting some trickling in lately for my blogaversary. I've been taking pictures of everything and going to put them up in one post next week. Need to find a day where I'm not posting design team stuff! That is one thing I'm thankful for this week... my bloggy friends. We are truly a unique group of people. Really GOOD people. I'm so thankful to be a part of this "universe!"

  11. Hi Diana, well at this very moment I am thankful I found your blog, :) I recognize quite a few of your followers :) I am thankful for the desire and passion to get my craft on and be able to share with the world. Isn't it fantastic, I love it. Great blog, and I am planning to enter some of your challenges, sweet ty :) Have a great day, hope you get more fun crafty surprises in the mail from your crafty friends, ty for sharing what you got with us, your very lucky :0 hugs
