
Saturday, November 24, 2012


CLICK HERE  for my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Linky Party ending November 30

CLICK HERE  for my DL.ART Thankful Thursday challenge ending  November 24
CLICK HERE for my DL.ART Thankful Thursday challenge ending  December 1

Hi Friends,

I have one challenge closing in a few hours.  Giving you the heads up!

I sometimes make a project for a specific challenge and then I forget to enter it -- so just in case you were thinking of entering, I thought I would give you a gentile reminder.

I just got back in town a couple of hours ago You all know the drill, I am sure, unpack, wash clothes, put the luggage away, get fed---(again).

I have no turkey leftovers--- because the dinner was at my MIL's.
Wednesday night DH and I took everyone out for dinner. Thanksgiving day  my SIL Jen did the Turkey dinner-she did a great job!! I did  the pie and the rolls. (and the whip cream)
The next day I cooked the dinner which was easy, because it was a reheat of Jen's.  I still got the accolades.
We had such a wonderful time. I really embrace family time, because you just never know...........

My B-I-L's term "TURKEY COMA" after eating the turkey is justified by the following statement

"Turkey does contain L-tryptophan, an essential amino acid with a documented sleep inducing effect. L-tryptophan is used in the body to produce the B-vitamin, niacin. Tryptophan also can be metabolized into serotonin and melatonin, neurotransmitters that exert a calming effect and regulates sleep. However, L-tryptophan needs to be taken on an empty stomach and without any other amino acids or protein in order to make you drowsy. There's lots of protein in a serving of turkey and it's probably not the only food on the table."

I am glad to be home and I will try to get some visiting in.

Ps. I know my linky was not working right for the last challenge, but there was nothing I could do with it, seeing as I had no computer access. I fixed it and you should be able to enter the challenge with no problem now.

Many blessings to all of you, Diana.

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