
Saturday, March 23, 2013

More not so good news for some of us. GOOGLE READER ---BYE BYE

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday #105 challenge (week 2) ending March 26, 2013  
CLICK HERE for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday LINKY challenge ending March 31, 2013

Hi Friends, 

I found this info and thought it would be good to share.  You can do this ahead of time, therefore not having to rush to do something or sign up  for a program that doesn't really work quite right for you.

There are a few out there and I will look for a few that you can compare.  I have noticed a few of my friends have already signed up for a few new readers and testing them out.

This info below is from blogger


I removed the info because,  I had copied and pasted it, then  my blog went hay wire-- sorry for that 

type in your url--- "google reader" and you shoud be able to find the info you need


Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. I keep forgetting to tell you how much I like you new look.

    Hugs Nana

  2. It really stinks that you work so hard to get followers and now they are all going to disappear :( Thanks for the tip...I just downloaded my Reader data. Have a great evening :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. TFS this info my friend!!
    Have a wonderful day,
