
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hope Day #21 and more decorations.

Click here for  ELF ANTICS LINKY PARTY, open until 11:55 Dec 24

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday challenge  #123 Christmas open until  December 24.
CLICK HERE for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday December linky Party ends December 31.

Hi Friends, I hope this finds you relaxed and at peace with the last few days leading up to the Christmas Holiday.

Here is Hope mingling with some more decorations. She is so Miss congeniality

 Day #21 She has been pretty good for the most part and not peeking in too many of the doors. Doesn't she have the sweetest face?

Thanks for stopping by to check  out what Hope is up to .  I just finished my Christmas cards this morning and I am now going to do the fun thing, clean the house. I know you all love it too.

Happy crafting and have a blessed day, Diana


  1. So cute! I love your elf! I got to do lots of house cleaning while my computer was down over the last few days. I only wish it would stay clean! Happy Holidays to you!

  2. She has the SWEETEST face EVER!! Can I please just squeeze her?..LOL
    Have a wonderful day,
    ♥ Crafting With Creative M ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks Challenge Blog ♥

  3. My adult daughter has "Wynter" who gets into mischief nightly - they don't grow up to they? Have a wonderful Christmas!!

  4. She's a cutie. And I love the piece of furniture she's sitting on. Gorgeous!
