
Thursday, December 26, 2013


Click here for  ELF ANTICS LINKY PARTY, to see the entries (closed)
CLICK HERE for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday challenge  #123 Christmas open until  December 31
CLICK HERE for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday December linky Party ends December 31.

Hi Friends,
Happy boxing day, or feast of St Stephen, or day after Christmas or December 26 - Hey just be happy.

I made a large batch of spiced nuts. For the nuts I used my favorites, Pecans, cashews and almonds. This is how I packed them and gave them to the neighbors. These were quick gifts. The toppers were all made with PTI papers scarlet jewel, Holiday prints vintage cream and basic white I used punches for the label. I threw in the chocolates for good measure and I scored these cute little plates on Christmas Eve.

I wrote on there with a Sharpie - oh my ....
I can not believe I am still wrapping gifts.  We have another Christmas this weekend. I am hoping to be finished today.  If not there is always Friday.

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. what pretty packaging for these delicious nuts!

  2. What lovely packaging! Beautifully done!

  3. Oh, those nuts look scrummy and I love how you packaged them.

  4. OMG!! This is too CUTE!! THANKS so much for sharing and have a Fabulous Week!! =)

  5. Well I think you have it all covered Diana.....I will go with the feast day of St. Stephen . :)

    You packaged these yummy treats beautifully! Hope you had a blessed Christmas.

  6. Pretty packaging for a sweet gift!
