
Thursday, January 2, 2020


CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness

Click here for the DL.ART January 2020 linky challenge


Good Morning Everyone,

If you are looking for the DL.ART THANKFUL THURSDAY #251 CHALLENGE, it will start on the 2nd Thursday of the month and the next challenge will be on the 4th of the month. 

After trying something different for a half of the year. It seems to flow better having two challenges twice a month.

I hope your new year is off to a good start.  My wish for you is for Peace, good health and wealth.
I do not make new years resolutions, however I do set goals for myself . I am not pushing myself too much this year.

I do have a plan and I do have the steps laid out.  

Do you make resolutions?
Do you think this is a good year for unicorns?

Leave a comment below and let me know if you like the new change I am making or just say Hi!


I am slowly moving my flair over to my ETSY store, not all of them, but most of them.

Follow on Bloglovin


Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. These changes sounds good to me. I don’t make resolutions because I never keep them.
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  2. Sounds great, Diana! No resolutions for me, other than to keep on keeping on! Happy 2020 to you!

  3. Hello.. Happy New Year.. Like this new plan, but whatever works for you works for us.. It is always a good year for unicorns ... (^_^) ..Hugs

  4. Happy New Year!!!! Sorry I've been MIA - lots of things have been going on... :) I hope you had a fabulous holiday! I don't make resolutions either - Waste of time - I try to better myself as a person each year - That's all anyone can really ask for anyway! :)

