
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Inspired by: Back to school

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART THANKFUL THURSDAY #115 Camping Challenge ending August 20



This week's challenge:
Inspired By: Back to school

Hi friends  Design challenge day for me over at Creative inspirations paint. I had fun making this back to school card.  For the base I used some recollection card stock cut at 11 x 4 1/4 I folded it in half and topped it with some basic grey 5 1/2 by 3 1/2. The cute image, I got from bugaboo, all their stamps are 50% of until Aug 15th.  I used my  Pink Stamper stamp set "Lunch box thoughts". For the books I painted them with all the colors you see below. I just love the shimmer they gave the books

Here's some inspiration:

I hope you have enjoyed my project and will play along with this week's challenge!!
Remember you do not need to use CI Paints on your projects but if you have them we would LOVE to see how you used them!!
As always thanks for stopping by and
have a great week!

General Challenge Rules

Each week you will be given a challenge to find inspiration in/from what ever the challenge theme is... you can be as literal or abstract in your inspiration as you want....Just make sure you can tie it back to the theme! Challenge closes at 6:00pm Eastern on Saturday.
You will always be able to jump back to the current challenge by clicking the "Current Challenge" link in our sidebar. The rules can always be found by clicking the tab "Challenge Rules" at the top of the page.
You do not need to use the Creative Inspirations Paints in your project, however, if you do, tell us which colors you used, and your name will go in the drawing twice! Each month, one person will win 5 jars of paint in the colors of their choice. The winner will be randomly drawn from all the people who have played that month, so make sure to join in on our challenges each week!

Have a blessed day, Diana