
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hope Day #11

Click here for  ELF ANTICS LINKY PARTY, open until 11:55 Dec 24

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday December linky Party ends December 31.

Hi Friends,

Hope wanted to play with the Sepia again. She has not been a bit of a problem.  I will miss her when she leaves on Christmas Eve. She wanted to come with me today, so we have been best of buds for the whole day. She helped me make some appetizers for our Knit wit luncheon. I'll post some pics a bit later on that maybe tomorrow It has been a long day.  We saw these cute Santa picks on pinterest. She just had to do them .  For some reason she really likes red

There were a few left over a couple of our friends could not make it.

Here is what the Santa pick looks like -- super easy healthy and lots of fun!!

These are the date treats these - these disappear quickly.

Here she is trying to hide door #11

Click here for a chance to win a silhouette cameo


Have a blessed day,Diana