
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hope Day #18

Click here for  ELF ANTICS LINKY PARTY, open until 11:55 Dec 24

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday challenge  #123 Christmas open until  December 24.
CLICK HERE for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday December linky Party ends December 31.

CLICK HERE for a chance to win a SILHOUETTE CAMEO

Hi Friends,

Here is Hope doing the countdown.  After the luncheon yesterday we went done to the stable to see the miniature donkeys that my friend Carrie owns. She hosted the luncheon

Check her out here she is wondering what that is behind her.

Then she realizes it is a miniature donkey

This one is Ellie, she was the most friendly or curious, They were all very sweet.

and wants to ride them, unfortunately she could not stay on and fell off. I didn't want her to get stepped on so we gave up on that idea.

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. So adorable!! I love reading about Hope's adventures!! Have a great evening :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Sooooooo cute!! I love those photos!!!!!

  3. Diana, keeping up with Hopes adventures is so funny. It feels like a mini series. TFS Traci

  4. LOL...This is too cute & Funny!! I have been home sick all week with a cold again but my asthma seems to be an issue now. So I was told to just rest.
    I cannot stop laughing...
    Have a wonderful day,
    ♥ Crafting With Creative M ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks Challenge Blog ♥

  5. Great pica Diana, I am so loving following along on Hope's adventures :)
