DL.ART store- Crinkle ribbon
My friend Hope arrived late and she has been very busy helping me with lots of things including decorating for the Women's Christmas tea, making cards, packaging products and riding along to ship them out!! She will also be helping me with my blog! She is sponsoring the linky again this year, she is having fun making the buttons with me. The prize is a set of A Christmas Alphabet button Flair a $19.50 retail value. That is 26 buttons wow are they pretty to. If you just have to have this button alphabet set, Hope is offering a special on them which is pretty nice here is the coupon code: HAS, that stands for Hope's Alphabet special CLICK HERE add the coupon and see the discount.
She text-ed me THE RULES that there needs to be an elf and red in the project. You know how she likes red. She also text-ed the more elves the better.
Long story short, link up 1 per day, no back linking and no stacking.
The rule is there needs to be an elf in the picture and red and leave a comment after each entry, give the number of your entry and explain what your elf is doing, so we can all read about it. Also comment on other people's elf antic links. The more comments you leave on other people's elf antics the better-- Hope will be checking. She is really excited to meet all your elfs.
PRIZE!!!!! The winner will be chosen by random on Dec 26
A Winner will be selected randomly and posted here, sometime that day. You will need to claim your prize by the end of this year 2017- Because Hope is in charge and she is leaving the end of the year (maybe)
The prize for this linky will ship the first week in January 2018
This linky party will be open until Dec 25th at 11:55pm
My friend Hope arrived late and she has been very busy helping me with lots of things including decorating for the Women's Christmas tea, making cards, packaging products and riding along to ship them out!! She will also be helping me with my blog! She is sponsoring the linky again this year, she is having fun making the buttons with me. The prize is a set of A Christmas Alphabet button Flair a $19.50 retail value. That is 26 buttons wow are they pretty to. If you just have to have this button alphabet set, Hope is offering a special on them which is pretty nice here is the coupon code: HAS, that stands for Hope's Alphabet special CLICK HERE add the coupon and see the discount.
She text-ed me THE RULES that there needs to be an elf and red in the project. You know how she likes red. She also text-ed the more elves the better.
Long story short, link up 1 per day, no back linking and no stacking.
The rule is there needs to be an elf in the picture and red and leave a comment after each entry, give the number of your entry and explain what your elf is doing, so we can all read about it. Also comment on other people's elf antic links. The more comments you leave on other people's elf antics the better-- Hope will be checking. She is really excited to meet all your elfs.
PRIZE!!!!! The winner will be chosen by random on Dec 26
A Winner will be selected randomly and posted here, sometime that day. You will need to claim your prize by the end of this year 2017- Because Hope is in charge and she is leaving the end of the year (maybe)
The prize for this linky will ship the first week in January 2018
This linky party will be open until Dec 25th at 11:55pm
Have a blessed day, Diana
DL.ART 5th Annual Elf Antics Linky Challenge
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Hi Hope!! It's so good to see you!! You are looking great :) I so hope I can find time to play along...Faith just sits on the shelf in my craft room, begging me to photograph her!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
I hope and I know Hope does also that Faith can join in.
DeleteWhat a cute story, Diana, and I love Hope's little leather jacket! Darling photos, and a cute way to re-introduce Hope's appearance for her Coming Home For The Holidays message! LOL Have a great week-end! hugs, de
ReplyDeleteThanks Donna
DeleteWelcoem back Hope.
Join in the fun!!
DeleteEntry #1 - Thank you, Hope, for hosting the 5th Annual Elf Antics Linky Party again this year! Yay! My elf Eli is always ready to join a party and has been out on the town looking for friends. Here he is featured with a fellow elf he met at the local Home Hardware.
ReplyDeleteHello Hope!! It is nice to see you again! Love that leather jacket!! Been out on your motorcycle lately?
ReplyDeleteSo CUTE! LOVE Hopes new Challenge!! :) The Flair Buttons look amazing!
What a cutie Hope is! Thanks for stopping by Diana - Happy Holidays to you too.
ReplyDeleteHello, Diana! Could you please define stacking... I'm ready to link up my Day 2 elf but it would be directly following my Day 1 elf - is that stacking? Or is it 3 in a row to be considered stacking? Please help as I don't want to break any rules. On the other hand, Eli is eager to show his antics :-) Have a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteIf they are next to each other, that is stacking, but you can enter one a day. The elves must all be sleeping umh???
DeleteOkay, thanks for clarifying, Diana! My Day 1 and Day 2 are in a row so I guess I did some stacking, but then again, they were posted 24 hours apart, so that was one entry per day. Not sure if I broke the rule. If I did, could you please let me know. Eli will not be discouraged - he's just excited to be sharing his antics with the world - or at least in this linky hehe.
DeleteHi Hope! It's nice to see that you are back my friend!!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day,
Crafting With Creative M
Hi, Diana, me again! Eli asked me to check back for a response but it looks like Hope is holding out on you? If she is anything like Eli, then it's hard to get her to slow down enough to get a straight answer hehe! In any event, I found a definition of stacking at Word Art Wednesday and figured that yours is the same. In this case, I believe it would be okay for me to link up Eli's Day 2. If not, please let me know so I can delete.
ReplyDeleteHere's Word Art Wednesday's definition... "We do not allow "stacking" of entries. What this means is that you cannot save up your five entries and add them all at once so that they all appear in a row just to increase your odds of winning. This is NOT "a stupid rule". We want to encourage everyone to do what is right and pleasing in the sight of the Lord, and to have an unquestionable witness. We do realize, however, that sometimes many of us make blog posts back-to-back, and that perhaps two of our entries appear back-to-back. That's fine. It's just not acceptable to wait until one day to link all five posts at one time, and to "stack" all your entries in a row. If we feel that someone is purposely doing this, we do reserve the right to remove entries. We're sorry to have to make rules, but we want to be fair to everyone. And, after all, we are representing our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that we need to "avoid the appearance of evil", so even if our intentions aren't wrong, we don't ever want to make it appear to others that we have done something that is morally questionable. We thank you for understanding."
Entry #2 - Today Eli is still out on the town searching for friends. He found a whole family of these fun green characters at Canadian Tire and decided to hang out there for a while. They seem to be a happy bunch, and a good time was had by all!
ReplyDeleteHi Hope and Eli. Ron is back to join you. I found him out in the garden this morning. I thought he was doing some weeding but he was just sitting on top of the weed bin! Not much help is he?
ReplyDeleteEntry #4 (Day 3) - Today Eli is showing off in the nail bin at Home Hardware. He thinks he looks glamorous and really stands out amongst all those nails! He's still on the lookout for some elf friends but didn't find any in the nail bin!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what these Elves get into this year!
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining in Elvis!!
DeleteEntry #6 is Ron again. I'm really not sure what mischief he is up to but he has a pair of scissors and some of my red cardstock.... Guess I'll find out in due course!
ReplyDeleteEntry #7 (Day 4) - Eli decided to hang out in my coffee cup today. It's a good thing there was no coffee in it at the time or he would have found himself with a wet bottom! Eli sends hugs and kisses, along with a big wave hello to Hope!
ReplyDeleteOh, it's wonderful to see Hope's sweet smile again this year! December began in a flurry of events and activities so my elf has been sidetracked..but will make his debut later today! Let the games begin!
ReplyDelete#8 is Wally, showing off his custom-designed, wood-burned ornament and getting into the holiday spirit while he listens to Christmas music. He's also very envious of Hope's fancy suitcase since he has to make do with a plain duffle bag!
ReplyDeleteEntry #10 (Day 5) - Eli is back on the road today looking for friends. He went into town and hit pay-dirt! He and his two new elf buddies enjoyed a lovely afternoon of frolicking and movie watching. I think you can guess which movie they watched! Eli was such a chatterbox when he got home! He had so many elf stories to tell!
ReplyDeleteWally is back at #11, with his little wooden tree, made from recycled fencing. This is as much tree as he'll get this year but he's hoping for lots of presents under it!
ReplyDeleteWally wanted to serenade everyone at #12, with his piano rendition of Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. He's not a great piano player but he makes up for it in enthusiasm!!
ReplyDeleteEntry #13 (Day 6) - Eli refuses to stay home! Today he headed to Walmart and found a big elf buddy to pal around with. Eli is a tiny elf, especially compared to his new BFF.
ReplyDelete#15 Hope is here she helped package these homemade hot cocoa packs with shaved belgium chocolate and Vanilla bean homemade marshmallows with crushed peppermint. YUMMMMMMMY!!!!
ReplyDeleteWally is popping in at #16, showing you how to make snow angels when you don't have snow! He got into my stash of die cut snowflakes and decided to do his own version of a fun winter activity.
ReplyDeleteEntry #17 (Day 7) - Eli is becoming quite the elf about town! Here he is, still at Walmart, and he has found some new elf chums. These two remind me of Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum, and Eli fits right in! They were swapping stories about Santa's Workshop all afternoon! What a fun day for Eli!
ReplyDeleteMy two girls spent several days at their grandparent's house so loopy rummage through the toy box and found a pair of binoculars so she could watch for them. While she kept an eye out, she also checked up on all the other elves to make sure they were safe too! Loopy is #18 .
ReplyDeleteWally is #20 as he gives me hand with my Christmas crafting! With his help I may actually get my cards sent out on time.
ReplyDeleteEntry #21 (Day 8) - Eli is still having fun at Walmart. It was time to go home but where was Eli? I searched and searched and eventually found him trying to hide in this potted tree. I guess he thought I wouldn't notice him. Yeah, right, Eli, you're busted! Home we went!
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for Wally, my trusty elf assistant. What would I do without him helping me keep track of all the gifts and cards? He's checking in at #23.
ReplyDeleteEntry #24 (Day 9) - Phew! Eli went missing for a day but he's back! I finally found him - he got stuck in the snow! Here is the poor dear, chivering cold. He was not dressed for the weather but he seems to be okay now. Too much partying, Eli!
ReplyDeleteEntry #25 (Day 10) - After Eli thawed out from his 2-day snowy adventure, he headed back out on the town! Nothing will slow him down! But at least he's out of my hair for the day! Here he is with another new friend. His latest elf buddy certainly has a big head! In fact, he's all head! I don't know how he gets around but I guess Eli will tell me later!
ReplyDelete#26 has Wally and our dog, Toby, hanging out and singing Christmas carols as they wait for Santa!
ReplyDeleteEntry #28 (Day 11) - Today Eli found some pretty ladies! He's looking particularly shy amongst the angels. I think he is way out of his element and is planning a quick getaway!
ReplyDelete#29 is Wally again, helping me pick out sticker books for my two granddaughters. What would I do without his help...because I am running full tilt to catch up on my shopping and crafting...oh my!
ReplyDeleteLoopy went shopping for a New Years eve outfit today and what a rockin' good look she put together!! That elf knows how to have fun, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteEntry #31 (Day 12) - Every year, Eli checks to see if there is an elf joke on this sign board and YAY! There was one this year! However, it's really not that funny, more of a groaner. Eli liked it anyway!
ReplyDeleteHere's Wally again at #32. He's such a great gift wrapper that I've kept him busy all week. He couldn't help but take a little play break though, telling jokes with the Shimmer doll that I'm giving to my granddaughter. You deserve it Wally!
ReplyDeleteEntry #33 (Day 13) - Today Eli decided to visit his friend Frosty the Snowman. They talked for hours about classic Christmas movies and TV shows. Eli has a long list of movies he wants to watch now!
ReplyDelete#34 has Loopy helping me bake cookies for a class party and I almost burned a batch when I got a phone call. Good thing that Loopy was paying attention and saved them! Thanks Loopy!
ReplyDeleteEntry #35 (Day 14) - Eli headed back to Dollarama - he was needing more hydration! And look who he met - some more fun elves to hang out with! No wonder Eli loves to go out on the town! Fun times!
ReplyDeletePoor Wally was all worn out from gift wrapping and signing cards so he hopped on top of the china hutch for a nap. I promised him a nice mug of cocoa with marshmallows, and the day off...so he finally came down. #36
ReplyDelete#38 has Loopy taking time to sip some cocoa and watch a movie with her little friend, white owl. Elves are so busy at this time of year that it's important to take a break now and then, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteEntry #39 (Day 15) - Eli is at it again! He does not stay in one place too long! Here he is with two new snowman buddies. Eli is so happy when he finds some BFFs his own size! Happy Holidays from Eli and his snow buddies!
ReplyDeleteDiana, is everything okay? I notice you haven't moderated your comments in over a week. Hopefully you're just busy with the holidays and are having fun. Thinking of you and sending hugs!
Glad to see the comments, Diana! I think that means you're just fine and having fun over the holidays! Enjoy!
DeleteI am also hoping that Diana is okay and just busy with Christmas preparations as I haven't seen updates here. Looks like they are caught up now though so looks like everything is all right. #40 is Wally, who is looking forward to a whole year off after Christmas! He'll miss all his elf friends but there's always North Pole postal service so he hopes to keep in touch!
ReplyDeleteEntry #41 (Day 16) - It's wreath time! Eli loves to look at wreaths. I asked him to pick out his favourite wreath and this is the one he chose. Nice job, Eli! Happy Holidays to Hope, Diana, and all the other elves at the linky!