Monday, December 31, 2012

Prepared to be amazed-- Faux chalk art

CLICK HERE- for the special Creative Inspiration Paints post

Happy New Years eve Day Everyone,

This is how I feel about the next year-- 2013 is going to be an amazing  year and this is my wish for all of you. I am preparing for it.

This is just a sneak peek come and see the rest of the card . Stay safe tonight what ever you do.

For the base I used PTI basic white, I used a white board not a black board for my lectures and while I taught  with markers, but I do remember the old black boards growing up,  I incorporated the metal background for the black board to be on top of instead of wood, although wood would look good also. I used Creative inspirations white embossing powder and for this look I did n't mind that it got smeared that is the blackboard look

I used Rhonna Farrer swirls aren't they beautiful? from Autumn leaves, Prisma color white pencil  I did all this on top of PTI smokey grey card-stock

Have a blessed day, and a Happy New Year, Diana


  1. It really looks like writing on a blackboard with chalk. Cool technique. Have a Happy New Year!

  2. Like the artsy blackboard look.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. This is awesome!! What a FUN card!!!
    Happy New Year!!

  4. happy new year my friend!!! :) only 10pm here but i figured i'd stop by and say hello! LOVE this technique!!!

  5. I never thought of pulling out these flourishes! Great stamp choices for the technique!

  6. Fabulous artwork. Saw this on MIM..Faye

  7. Stunning card.. Saw this on MIM..Loz

  8. This is stunning!! I am amazed!! :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  9. Oh my, really looks as though you created a masterpiece on a chalkboard. Wasn't this fun?

  10. Hi Diana so hoping to get caught up this weekend on commenting and maybe some crafting. Love this chalkboard look have seen it on a few blogs your card is stunning I must try this. Hoping your shoulder is feeling a little better. Karen

  11. I missed this first one. So pretty ! This is sure fun and your card is amazing!


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