Thursday, January 16, 2020

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #251 "Any Winter Sport"

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART January 2020 linky challenge


Elusive mermaid
and of crinkle ribbon

Welcome to  Week #2
DL.ART Thankful Thursday 
Challenge #251 "Any Winter Sport"

Hello  Everyone and Happy New Year,

I can not believe 2019 is over and we are in the 2020's now. 

This last decade for me was quite interesting, as it probably was for most of you.  I had a lot of losses, which I did not realize until I thought about what this last decade has meant for me.  However, I had a lot of gains and also a lot of new adventures.  
The worse losses were the death of my mom, my mother-in law, and our Aunt (my mothers sister).
A tree fell on our house the day I was going in for a brain scan, a few hospital stays to top it off and that really is about the worst of the decade.

A lot of my friends stopped blogging and returned to their other life. I'm still here for the time being. I think of my mother everyday and I think that will be the case until I leave this earth.  It is not a bad thing, because I have so many happy memories of her and my dad.  They had been married 54 years when he passed away. My mom lived another 20 years  They were really cute together.

The good always out ways the bad. I met so many new and wonderful people. I started selling CTMH, I did that for 5 years and then stopped, I got a lot of new experience from that and a lot of stamps, paper and dies. Our brother-in-law returned unharmed from serving in Iraq.
I opened a couple of on-line stores and then closed one of them.

I am really excited for the 2020's and I see a lot of positive things happening, moving forward is always a good thing 

 I now have the DL.ART store  which the url to it is my name
and I have had my ETSY store for quite awhile however, I did not use it as a store until 2014

Have you been there?

I will be moving most of my flair over to my Etsy store, because I will be adding my art work to my site check out my Elusive Mermaid the latest edition to my art prints and cards click here.  I will be working on my art more this year. The card challenges have changed and the challenges for the year are listed at the top under the tabs. The DL.ART Thankful Thursday numbered challenges will be twice a month now. starting on the 2nd and the 4th. Periodically I will offer a prize to the themed challenges  

On to the challenge:

Week #2

Base 110# card stock
stamps: CTMH True north

Gold card stock


Base 110# card stock
stamps: CTMH True north

challenges :


                                         Follow me on this blog 
(just hit the follow button on the right sidebar)

Follow on Bloglovin
 and let me know so I can follow you to.

This challenge is just for FUN

The challenge will run from January 9, 2020,  9:00 am PST until January 22, 2020 11:55 pm

Have a blessed day Diana


  1. Hi Diana...I'm so happy your still online, love the cards you make. I'm sorry for your losses and Congrats on your online store and may all good things come your way. 2020 is going to be a good year...hugs, Lori m

  2. Cute cards!
    Have a great day!

  3. cute card! I love the idea of a winter sport theme!


  4. Cute cards, Diana! Those winter sports are very popular here! My teenage nephew is an avid hockey player. You've had a lot going on in your life - I'm happy you're still going strong here on your blog and with your challenges! I hope there's still an optional theme of Thank You for this challenge so I went with that. Wishing you a wonderful day!

  5. Super cute card my friend!! Fun challenge.Congrats on your online store.. Hugs to you!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Migdalia's Crafts


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