Thursday, August 13, 2020

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge 265 Birthday

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART July 2020 linky challenge

DLART- Hero Nurse digital stamp and mermaid warrior digital stamp
New buttons, Pregnancy, cupcakes, religious
Elusive mermaid art
and crinkle ribbon

Welcome to 
DL.ART Thankful Thursday 
Challenge #265  "Birthday"  

Hi Everyone,

   Well this is Birthday month, so many birthdays this month hard to believe, I am glad they keep coming though. Even though we can not go out to eat and sit in a restaurant. We did go out for ice cream.  In honor of my mom giving birth to me I had her favorite ice cream - Butter pecan. It was really a nice day, perfect temperature and they had tables set up outside, so we sat and enjoyed the treat.

It was interesting watching people, some were wearing masks and some were not, but everyone seemed to put them on before they went into stores. I never dreamed I would be talking about masks in 2020 and being in the middle of a pandemic. 

My question for you --- What are you talking about now that you would have never dreamed of talking about prior to Covid-19?????

Day 151, we are back to square two Shelter in Place.  In our county you can only shop for essentials and take-out food, no more opened restaurants. 1352 confirmed cases and now 6 Covid 19- deaths.

I used AG die cut, AC card stock and dies. The Happy Birthday from AG the  cartridge crinkle.
my card measures 5" x 7". I hope you like this card.

  How is it in your city?

This is the perfect ribbon for summer junk journals and shabby cards

On to the challenge:

challenges :


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 and let me know so I can follow you to.

This challenge is just for FUN

The challenge will run from August 13, 2020,  9:00 am PST until August 26, 2020 11:55 pm

Have a blessed day Diana
Please use your name for the caption

1 comment:

  1. Your card is so pretty! We are in phase 2 but stores are opened and lots of restaurants are open to dine in where I live. For stores we have to wear a mask and for dine in restaurants we have to wear a mask to go in but able to take them off when seated! Crazy!
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️


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