Monday, November 1, 2021

DL.ART November 2021 Linky challenge

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART November 2021 Linky challenge

and mermaid warrior digital stamp
buttons, flair, badges
Elusive mermaid art
and crinkle ribbon

Happy November!!!!

Welcome to the DL.ART November 2021 Linky challenge

How was the month of October for you? I loved it, We had a big storm come in and we got 5" of rain , just in time we really need rain.  We have been going to the gym more often and I am starting to feel a bit stronger from lifting weights.  We are also doing quite a bit around the house, we are just finishing up the painting so now we are waiting on the painters to do the front door, hopefully it will be on a warm day because we will have to have our door open for a few hours.  Prayerfully, we will have it done by the middle of the month

Did you enjoy your last month?   

#1. If so, what was your favorite part?

#2. What is your favorite part about November?

#3 Do you make any special plans or projects in November? 

On to the challenge: As always anything goes

I am using a card from 9 years ago and isn't it just timeless.  
What are you thankful for this year?

American crafts card stock and I no idea what cartridge this is Do You?

To be eligible for the prize

Be a Follower
Enter  as often as you like
Please link to DL.ART blog post, not to the general blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
caption : with your name only 

leave a comment
my answers to my questions
1. I enjoyed October  very much, we went out a lot and got a few gym workouts in.  I always feel so good afterward.

2. The thirteenth is our Anniversary, so we are looking forward to another year on record
3. Yes,
Thanksgiving and Christmas projects

6 x 6 paper and
 DL.ART crinkle ribbon
and some twine

follow me on Instagram 

 let me know you are following me so I can follow you back

Challenge is open until November 30, 2021 11:55pm PST

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. Hi! FYI the linky party isn't live!

    1) I enjoyed October VERY much! My favorite aunt was here the first week of the month and I hadn't seen her in four years. Super fun!

    2) My favorite part of November is my birthday! It's the 26th so this year it's Black Friday and my SIL and mom and I are going shopping for the first time since 2018 because my SIL was pregnant and my mom was ill in 2019. Can't wait!

    3) I'm making Christmas ornaments this year for my immediate family with my niece's pictures on them. They're already fun and I've just started.

    **Bonus answer** This year (and every year) I'm thankful for my family. My niece has been our saving grace these last two years.

  2. The Nov Linky has Oct challenge entries in it.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. Hello, Diana! Thank you for a new challenge for November! Your Thanksgiving turkey card is so cute and fun! And before I forget, Happy Anniversary on the 13th! Celebrate and enjoy! As for your questions, my favourite part of October was the Cat Lovers Hop as well as reviving my blog after several months' absence. My favourite part of November is Beccy's Month of Holiday Cards with daily inspiration. Special projects this month will be lots of holiday cards!

  4. I enjoyed most of the month below 100 degrees and wow that 5 inches of rain we received on one day kept me inside, for sure. I love turkey dinner on Thanksgiving when we all get together to celebrate Thanksgiving and my granddaughter's birthday.

  5. Wonderful card, Diana.
    In October my husband had a birthday .
    I don't like November, because of cold weather.
    No special plans and projects for November.
    Valerija xx

  6. Hi! I love November because I love the fall and it's my birthday month.
    Did you enjoy your last month? October was lovely. We had some wonderful weather days. And I got a chance to go away for a couple of days.

    #1. If so, what was your favorite part?

    #2. What is your favorite part about November? I love the change of the leaves.

    #3 Do you make any special plans or projects in November? Christmas cards!

  7. It's hard to believe your card is 9 years old! The colors give it such a fresh and modern look. As for November, my husband's birthday was this last weekend, so we had my daughter and her family (with grandkids) and son and his wife here to celebrate. Next is Thanksgiving, which we are also hosting. Although I love being with family, I don't love cleaning and cooking for everyone! I'd much rather be making cards, ha!

  8. Thanks for another fun challenge Diana. Last month was filled with so many fun activities, and we got together with friends and family. My daughter's birthday and Halloween were the main events, but now it's time to get ready for the holidays...eek!
    Love your cute little turkey and look back into the past.

  9. Wonderful design, Diana. Some cards weather the years better than others and this one looks great!
    #1 - Yes, I enjoyed October. I was home alone a good share of the month so I had time to concentrate on my Cat Lovers Hop...which was my favorite event of the month!!
    #2 - Yes, I enjoy November. It is the holiday season! What's not to love abt that?
    #3 - Special plans - Thanksgiving with family. <3
    Thank you for another lovely linky party, Diana.
    Happy Thanksgiving and Congratulations on your anniversary!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  10. Hi Diana, I haven't been crafting in a very long time.... It's good to be back. So glad you are still here creating and running your super awesome challenge, Thank You!

  11. Family birthday in November.... hubby's was on the 13th and our daughter's is the 30th. I enjoy making special cards for them!
    Love your card with the turkey!


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