Monday, August 1, 2022

DL.ART AUGUST 2022 linky challenge

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART August 2022 linky challenge
CLICK HERE for the DL.ART linky challenge #304 "Summer Time"

and mermaid warrior digital stamp
buttons, flair, badges
Elusive mermaid art
and crinkle ribbon

Welcome to 

Welcome to the DL.ART AUGUST 2022 linky challenge

     For those of you who have been following me for awhile, you know that August is my favorite month. Today is my husband's birthday and Saturday is mine.  We celebrate his birthday from the 1st until the sixth and then we celebrate mine from the sixth until his birthday comes around again.   Any way, here is the card I made for David. I have a hallmark card studio program and when I am in a pinch I make cards from this program.  Sadly my 12 year old dishwasher bit the dust and I have spent a lot of time visiting appliance stores and research on line, not to mention washing a lot of dishes by hand.  I don't mind it is very therapeutic, I just need to figure in the extra time.  This on top of what happened the week before has really thrown me off and now we are having monsoon weather.  This is the same weather that caused our fires 2 years ago in the midst of the pandemic.

  What are you working on this month?

On to the challenge: As always anything goes

To be eligible for the prize

Be a Follower
Enter  as often as you like
Please link to DL.ART blog post, not to the general blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
caption : with your name

leave a comment


DL.ART Crinkle ribbon
4.25" x 5.5" paper
DL.ART twine

follow me on Instagram 

Challenge is open until August 31, 2022 11:55 pm PST

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. Your card is cute!! Happy birthday to you and your husband! This month I'm still working on the photo boxes for my new niece and her baby book.

  2. Happy Birthday to you and your husband. Great card. Life does get busy and we don't always have the time to do everything we need/want to do. Thanks for the challenges. Big hugs, Gloria

  3. haha Is YOUR birthday celebration sort of like saying 'what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine!' ??? LOL Hope you both enjoy! And stay safe from that nasty weather!

  4. Happy Birthday to you and yours!

  5. The card turned out beautifully! Love the fonts on the birthday verse and great colors too! What a pain with the dishwasher!! So sorry! Hope you can find one you like. It's so hard these days with all the reviews to be read and researched! Happy Birthday to both of you! Thanks for the linkup!

  6. That's a cute card. Happy Birthday to you and your husband.

  7. Happy birthday to you and to your husband Diana! I used to have two different card making programs but my inkjet printer bit the dust about 7 years ago and I never replaced it. So I make do with our black and white laser printer...and no computerized cardmaking for me anymore. This sweet text based card is lovely!
    Having to replace a broken appliance is one of my least favorite things to do, right up there with having to buy a new car. Too many options and not a fun purchase. At least your dishwasher didn't leak and ruin your floor and kitchen cabinets, as ours did a year ago. We ended up with a floor and cabinet replacement that went on for months.
    I'm working on birthday cards, as always, and am making Just Because cards for my aunts and uncles who are all in their 90's this year.

  8. Hello, Diana! Happy Birthday to you and your hubby! What a wonderful card you made for him! Sorry to read about your dishwasher and other troubles - I hope you find a suitable replacement soon and I also pray that you will be safe from wildfires and the extreme weather you mentioned. I appreciate the new linky for August, and I hope you and hubby had - and continue to have - lots of fun and happy times celebrating your birthdays!

  9. Hi Diana! Happy Birthday to you & to your hubby~ My mom always says celebrate all month long. Everyday you do something different that you enjoy. Whether it is drinking your favorite coffee, eating your favorite cookie/pie or coffee, taking a morning walk...etc. I've been trying to organize my closet. Hugs

  10. Happy birthday to you both! August is a big month here too. My daughters is th7th and my husbands is the 8th always a good time. I’m working on a bit of everything this month. Some back to school, a bit of fall and a Christmas every now and then. Happy crafting!

  11. So cute! Great for many occasions!

  12. I hope you enjoyed your birthday month Diana and I love the plan of celebrating the whole year! Sometimes you only have time to make a quick and easy card, but I'm sure your husband really appreciated that you took the time. Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday to you and yours!
    I’m working on a bit of everything this month - Summer and Christmas cards ...
    craft hugs xx


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