Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year!!!!! DL.ART 2023 Linky Challenge and Happy 12 Year Blogaversary to Me

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

Happy New Year!!!!!

Happy 12 Year Blogaversary to me-  

Welcome to the DL.ART January 2023 linky challenge

Please check out my updated rules for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday and DL.ART monthly linky challenge in the tab section

Wasn't 2022 fun? Share with us your happiest moments.  

For me it was being with my husband, loved it.  We discussed every meal we were going to have. He continues to do the shopping, I made the meals. I love how well we get along. I am really truly blessed.  We celebrated our 45th  Anniversary on November 13.  I do believe 2022 was a bit easier than 2020 and 2021. I thought we would be through the pandemic by now, but I think the risidual is here to stay in the form of a coronavirus cold. We also managed to make it to the Healh club a bit more. (feels good)

I am also glad I kept my blog up, even though some days were tough to think of something to post I started working on it and ideas began to flow.  I cherish all my bloggy friends and if it brightened a dull spot in your day than I am blessed as much as you. I wrapped up 2022 with the the DL.ART 10th annual elf antics linky challenge, I was not able to participate as much as I would have like, because I was swamped with orders.I guess that is a good thing. I think 10th Annual elf antics is a great way to end the DL.ART Elf antic challenges. My elves may appear but I will most likely not do another Annual challenge. More changes coming. Keep your eyes peeled

Do you have any fun plans for 2023?  Like traveling, dinners with family. meet ups. Are you planning any on line course? that kind of stuff.  I plan on doing more art and hopefully enter more challenges. I got to see a lot more of my friends this year and what a blessing that has been.

On to the challenge: As always anything goes!

To be eligible for the prize

Be a Follower
Enter  1 x per day
Please link to DL.ART blog post, not to the general blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
caption : with your name

leave a comment


Paper, Twine, Crinkle ribbon

follow me on Instagram 

Challenge is open until January 31, 2023 11:55pm PST

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. Happy New Year and Happy Blogavarsary!! How wonderful that your husband helps with meal planning and grocery shopping! I find that to be such a complicated task when you have to do it on your own!!
    Thanks for hosting the challenge!

  2. Happy New Year Diana and congrats on your 12th Blogaversary.

  3. I'm so glad I had a chance to enter the last Elf Antics! I took a Cricut class during the holiday week and plan to practice on my little Cricut Joy I received for my November birthday. Thanks so much for hosting this challenge. My friends loved the HalloThankMas mugs too. Love your new blog header. Can't wait to continue to join in your challenge.

  4. Happy New Year!! And happy blogaversary, too. My first card kind of goes with your new header with all the curly cues. Love it!! Always fun to have the elves around so I will miss that. But ElliBelle is here to stay and has lots of friends to play with. ;-) I am looking forward to more card making as well as getting back into cross stitching (thanks to my friend, Suzanne H!!). AND we have another baby coming in the family due in July! My 1st grandson was born Nov 15th and now my oldest nephew & his wife are expecting ... they want to be surprised. Happy times!!

  5. Happy New Year and happy 12th Blogaversary!


  6. Thank you for the challenge. Happy 12th Blogaversary and Happy New Year

  7. Happy New Year Diana and congrats on your 12th Blogaversary. I like your new fresh blog header and this is such a lovely blog post. My plan for this year is to travel a lot ...hugs xx

  8. Happy New Year! Congrats on your anniversary. Thanks for the challenges. Hopefully we will all have a much better 2023. Big hugs. Gloria

  9. Happy Blogiversary that's awesome!! 2022 was actually pretty good to me, despite all the challenges. My new niece was born healthy and happy, and I was able to complete all the projects for her and my other niece that I wanted to. 2023 I have so much catching up to do from my unfinished personal projects!!


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