Saturday, April 1, 2023

DL.ART APRIL 2023 linky challenge

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

Welcome to the DL.ART APRIL 2023 linky challenge

Please check out my updated rules for the DL.ART Thankful Thursday and DL.ART monthly linky challenge in the tab section


Happy First day of the month,

Are you planning on playing an APRIL 1st  joke on anyone?  I want to hear it.

I love to make these post-a-note holders. They take a bit of time, but I love how they come out.  HERE IS A LINK    

How do you celebrate Easter?

I measure these and cut them by hand I add the cover , then let dry over niight the next day I punch the whole and bind the sticky note holders together

I have been working on a lot of new art which will be in my DLART on etsy soon. I have just added some metal personalized bookmarks You can check them out HERE

Do you have any fun plans for March?  Like traveling, dinners with family. meet ups. Are you planning any on line course? that kind of stuff.  I plan on doing more art and hopefully enter more challenges. I got to see a lot more of my friends this year and what a blessing that has been.

Challenges entered:

On to the challenge: As always anything goes!

To be eligible for the prize

Be a Follower
May Enter  1 x per day
No Stacking (do not put 2 of your entries next to each other)
Please link to DL.ART blog post, not to the general blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
caption : with your name

leave a comment


Paper, Twine, Crinkle ribbon (US  only)

international winners will receive a digital prize package

follow me on Instagram 

Challenge is open until April 30, 2023 11:55pm PST

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. Your notebooks are soooo cute!

  2. Your post it note holders are so cute!!

  3. Love those little notebooks. Clever idea. Happy April!

  4. I love the post it notebooks idea and your Easter designs are perfect!

  5. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely post a note holders

  6. Happy Easter to you, Diana!! Hope you have a blessed day. Your notebooks are so much fun! I love them.

  7. Love your notebooks!! My April is going to be lighter on crafting as we have a few family get togethers. Honestly I'm not a huge fan. SO MUCH WORK and I don't feel it's beneficial. I'm not overly close to these people and would rather be reading or coloring.

  8. Hi Diana! I was finally able to make a card and join this fun challenge. April has been a busy month for me. Its my mom, nephew and a friends
    Have a wonderful day,
    Migdalia Rodriguez
    Migdalia's Crafts


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