Wednesday, December 25, 2019

WINNERS of the DL.ART 7th Annual Elf Antics linky challenge

DL.ART 7th Annual  Elf Antics linky challenge

 DL.ART store- Crinkle ribbon

Hi Everyone Merry Christmas 

Guess who's leaving? If you guessed Hope, you are right.  She did not do a whole lot this year. I went shopping and she stayed in the car. When I saw Santa I realized it would have been nice if she would have come to. Her plans are to come back next year, but before she leaves she promised to help me pick the winners so here we go.

So sorry to see this challenge end it has been so much fun I think one of the best yet. There were so many interesting stories. Thank you all for joining the  DL.ART 7th Annual Elf Antics linky party

Prize 1-The Valentine bundle kit
Prize 2 - The intimate bundle 
Prize 3 - a surprise gift of red stuff

The random winners are listed below
As most of you know my elf Hope is pretty sweet.
A few of years ago I took Hope with me to Michigan- she liked the snow. I will tell you more tomorrow...umh I never did tell you that story did I. Remind me later. It was a trip I will never forget.

Sorry the linky closed early.

For those of you who did not win and would like to get some of my products now is a great time
use code FS25MERRY
* USA orders over $25.00

Winners have been chosen by random.   My contact info is at the top left, 2nd tab.

Prize 1-The Valentine bundle kit
Winner Donna Mundinger

Prize 2 - The intimate bundle 
Winner: Chriss Real

Prize 3 - a surprise gift of red stuff
Winner: Sunshine Honey Bee

Winner: Sunshine Honey Bee

I have a special going on right now until the end of the year Free shipping on all orders over $25.00 use code FS25MERRY

Follow on Bloglovin

Have a blessed day, Diana

Here is the linky in case you want to see all those adorable elves again

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone,

Enjoy your day, I hope you and your family are blessed today and through the new year.
Blasts from the past.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #250 "Christmas"

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART 7th Annual Elf Antics Linky challenge

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART December 2019 linky challenge

DLART- FLAIR- Paris, night owl, llamas
Vintage Doll Faces
Rescue pets
and of crinkle ribbon

Welcome to  Week #3
DL.ART Thankful Thursday 
Challenge #250 "Christmas"

Hello  Everyone,

Wow!!!! Final week count down, Sorry I have been MIA, i have been pretty busy with orders and wrapping Christmas gifts and having fun. It is the season right. My little elf Hope goes with me when I head out to go shopping, but for some reason she ends up staying in the car. I will be posting the winner of the November challenge this weekend.

Here is the count down 2 weeks to go. Are you all done with your shopping? Not I !!! I use to have the bulk of my Christmas shopping done in August. I just started this week.  To many things going on, but it's all good. I will be posting my project here a little later today. I need to get to bed, so I have some energy for the rest of the week.

Week #2

Base 110# card stock
AG Mouse die die
Believe edge die from CC
Gold Foil card stock

********************************************************************I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving week and weekend, hard to believe Christmas is only 3 weeks away now. I am glad you are here to join in the Christmas challenge. I have three challenges going right now . The DL.ART December linky challenge, the 7th Annual elf antics challenge and this one. Come join the fun.  I bought a new bathrobe on Cyber Monday. What did you purchase on cyber Monday?


Base 110# card stock
AG Ballerina die
Gold card stock
challenges :

                                         Follow me on this blog 
(just hit the follow button on the right sidebar)

Follow on Bloglovin
 and let me know so I can follow you to.

This challenge is just for FUN

The challenge will run from November 5, 2019,  9:00 am PST until November 31, 2019 11:55 pm

Have a blessed day Diana

Thursday, December 12, 2019

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #250 "Christmas"

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART 7th Annual Elf Antics Linky challenge

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART December 2019 linky challenge

DLART- FLAIR- Paris, night owl, llamas
Vintage Doll Faces
Rescue pets
and of crinkle ribbon

Welcome to  Week #2
DL.ART Thankful Thursday 
Challenge #250 "Christmas"

Hello  Everyone,

Here is the count down 2 weeks to go. Are you all done with your shopping? Not I !!! I use to have the bulk of my Christmas shopping done in August. I just started this week.  To many things going on, but it's all good. I will be posting my project here a little later today. I need to get to bed, so I have some energy for the rest of the week.

Week #2

Base 110# card stock
AG Mouse die die
Believe edge die from CC
Gold Foil card stock

********************************************************************I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving week and weekend, hard to believe Christmas is only 3 weeks away now. I am glad you are here to join in the Christmas challenge. I have three challenges going right now . The DL.ART December linky challenge, the 7th Annual elf antics challenge and this one. Come join the fun.  I bought a new bathrobe on Cyber Monday. What did you purchase on cyber Monday?


Base 110# card stock
AG Ballerina die
Gold card stock
challenges :

                                         Follow me on this blog 
(just hit the follow button on the right sidebar)

Follow on Bloglovin
 and let me know so I can follow you to.

This challenge is just for FUN

The challenge will run from November 5, 2019,  9:00 am PST until November 31, 2019 11:55 pm

Have a blessed day Diana

Friday, December 6, 2019

Hope made two new friends

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the  DL.ART 7th Annual Elf Antics Linky challenge

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART December 2019 linky challenge

DLART- FLAIR- Paris, night owl, llamas
Vintage Doll Faces
and of crinkle ribbon

Happy Friday  Everyone,

It has been awhile since I have entered a challenge I am entering the DL.ART 7th Annual elf antics linky challenge (ha ha I know my own challenge, but I won't accept the prize if my name is drawn that would not be fair.)

Hope made two new friends.  She is learning to knit and she made two new friends literally.

Not really we had our annual knit wit boutique the last two weekends,  I have belonged to the knit wits as a knitter/crocheter since 2004. It is really fun to volunteer to work the table while people are trying to decide what to buy.
One of our knitters is very talented and prolific, she is also our knit Dr. if anyone has a boo boo with their knitting she will doctor it up. 
We meet once a week for two hours and everything we knit we donate to various local programs. We have gone to senior centers, homeless shelters, to the fields where the farmers work and various other places. We set up a tables and let the residence or workers  pick any item they want. It brings so much joy to their face and sometimes it is the first time they have ever had anything new just for them. Imagine if you can. It is very humbling. I feel so blessed

The monies we make from our boutique we use to help people in need in our local community with items such as dental emergency, car repair, tires a bed, clothes for school and many other items. We have sent items to hurricane Katrina, Maria victims. An orphanages in Soweto and various other places n the world during economic hardship.

Not only do we help others we are a close group that care for each other and if anyone of us needs something or help, someone is always available to help the other.   


                                         Follow me on this blog 
(just hit the follow button on the right sidebar)

Follow on Bloglovin
 and let me know so I can follow you to.

Have a blessed day Diana

Thursday, December 5, 2019

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #250 "Christmas"

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART 7th Annual Elf Antics Linky challenge

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART December 2019 linky challenge

DLART- FLAIR- Paris, night owl, llamas
Vintage Doll Faces
Rescue pets
and of crinkle ribbon

Welcome to  
DL.ART Thankful Thursday 
Challenge #250 "Christmas"

Hello  Everyone,

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving week and weekend, hard to believe Christmas is only 3 weeks away now. I am glad you are here to join in the Christmas challenge. I have three challenges going right now . The DL.ART December linky challenge, the 7th Annual elf antics challenge and this one. Come join the fun.  I bought a new bathrobe on Cyber Monday. What did you purchase on cyber Monday?


Base 110# card stock
AG Ballerina die
Gold card stock
challenges :

                                         Follow me on this blog 
(just hit the follow button on the right sidebar)

Follow on Bloglovin
 and let me know so I can follow you to.

This challenge is just for FUN

The challenge will run from November 5, 2019,  9:00 am PST until November 31, 2019 11:55 pm

Have a blessed day Diana

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Winner of the elf

Click here for the DL.ART 7th Annual  Elf Antics linky challenge
CLICK HERE for the December linky challenge
 DL.ART store- Crinkle ribbon

Hi Everyone,

Hope is here to announce the winner of the elf she is giving away so someone else can play.

We have been talking about it and she (Hope) thought it would be nice to giveaway an elf, so who ever does not have one can play along.

Anyone can win though, it is a random pick, just leave a comment in the comment section why you would like to win an elf. Please leave a comment anyway.

On December 1st I will pick the winner of the elf  and ship it out as soon as the winner notifies me. check the post on December 1st to see if you are the winner.

This little elf is the prize
for comments until the end of November and until the DL.ART 7th Annual Elf Antics linky party opens

So the winner is.......

I can't believe I don't have a single elf in the tons of Christmas things I have!! lol So I'd love to win one so I can participate with some elf antics photos, too. Hope is darling and I love her leather jacket. :-)

The linky for the elf antics will open at 00:00 hr. on December 1st.
There will be 3  other prizes added to this post after the 1st so make sure to enter the challenge everyday if you can

Prize 1-The Valentine bundle kit
Prize 2 - The intimate bundle 
Prize 3 - a surprise gift of red stuff

You can  enter the elf antics challenge by posting your elf doing whatever elves do (family oriented Please). In the area under your entry you can leave up to 50 characters describing what your elf is up to.
As most of you know my elf Hope is pretty sweet.
A couple of years ago I took Hope with me to Michigan- she liked the snow. I will tell you more tomorrow...

Hope came in from the cold and it looks like she will be staying awhile she brought her suitcase with her this time. This was last year

Hope sent me a "SELFIE" to let me know she is here- This is from last year

She set THE RULES that there needs to be an elf  in the project. You  know how she likes red (hint). She also text-ed the more elves the better.

Long story short, link up to 1 elf antic per day.

The rule is there needs to be an elf in the picture. We like to hear what your elf is up to, so let us know. She is really excited to meet all your elves.

This linky party will be open until Dec 24th at 11:55 p.m. The winners will be announced on Christmas day.  We will try to get all prizes shipped out by the end of the year so please check back on Christmas day to see if you are a winner.

Winners will be chosen by random.   My contact info is at the top left, 2nd tab.

Follow on Bloglovin

Have a blessed day, Diana

WINNER of the DL.ART October 2019 linky challenge

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness
CLICK HERE for the DL.ART December 2019 linky challenge
CLICK HERE for the DL.ART challenge #250 "Any winter Holiday"

DLART- new Paris, night owl flair, llamas
Vintage Doll Faces
Rescue pets

Hi Everyone,

Happy Sunday,
  Enjoy your day whatever you do.

YEAH!!!!!! to the winner!!

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First of all,  I have loved seeing all your awesome cards and projects that were submitted for the  DL.ART October 2019 linky challenge  you all did a great job!!   It was so nice to see so many great projects in one spot. I was honored to have them on my blog.

WINNER of the DL.ART  October 2019 linky challenge


$10.00 gift code 
for  DL.ART


checkout my products Creamy dreamy bundle and my just released sunflower buttons

 check out some of my other products


see all my new products

The patriotic Flair is only available in my Etsy store right now
Click Here  for more detail or to order them

see all my new products


Click here to see the entries.

CONGRATULATIONS to the winner of the DL.ART October linky challenge "Always Anything goes"

There were 177 entries.
The winner is #66


Please grab my badge and display it
as a winner of the DL.ART October 2019 linky challenge and display it on your blog

Please send me an e-mail, with your address, if necessary, so I can get your prize to you. Also please leave a comment on this post

My contact information is at the top of my blog


Follow on Bloglovin

Have a blessed day, Diana
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