Thursday, April 9, 2020

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #257 "Cats and/or Kittens, Bunnies and/or chicks"

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART APRIL 2020 linky challenge

New buttons, Pregnancy, cupcakes, religious
Elusive mermaid art
and crinkle ribbon

Welcome to 
DL.ART Thankful Thursday 
Challenge #257  "Cats and/or Kittens, Bunnies and/or chicks"  

Hello  Everyone, 

How is it going for you, these days?

Today marks day 25 of the shelter in place order.  We have 24 more days to go-- I can do this!!! 
I think our Governor is doing a pretty good job keeping our state safe and I am very impressed that he is helping other states out.
Our local city officials just closed the wharf,  Cowell beach and all the streets leading to them.  All the parking spots along the cliffs are blocked and the state parks are closed.  All dog parks and skateboard parks are closed.
People will now be ticketed $1,000 if out needlessly.
This is serious and not all people are taking it serious or even watching the news. I watch a little bit in the middle of the day and at night I check the statistics, pretty sad.

Under normal circumstances  we do not go out to eat too often, but I have to say, making two meals everyday is keeping me from being creative in the way I want to be creative. However, I am coming up with some very interesting meals.

Are any of you binge watching Netflix?
or other streaming formats?
I am watching reruns of star trek series. One a night 
Making ribbon,buttons, cards and filling orders.

I do believe the social distancing is the key!
Yes, I miss my friends, but at the cost of others losing their lives, 

  until May 3rd.  (For now)


Premium card stock 
4.25 x 5.5 
Spellbinders round die
AG die 
designed bunny with mask 

I think the card is just adorable. what do you think?

On to the challenge:

challenges :


                                         Follow me on this blog 
(just hit the follow button on the right sidebar)

Follow on Bloglovin
 and let me know so I can follow you to.

Here is a sneak peak of a fun puppy card.
This challenge is just for FUN

The challenge will run from April 9, 2020,  9:00 am PST until April 22, 2020 11:55 pm

Have a blessed day Diana
Please use your name for the caption


  1. Adorable cards Diana, so glad you're doing OK, stay safe, toss me a little sunshine we haven't had much my way. Hugs, Lori m

  2. Merci Diana pour ce joli challenge de Pâques.
    Restez confinée, c'est important.
    En France, c'est aussi très très inquiétant...
    Pâques est bien compromis et les familles ne seront pas réunies.
    Il nous reste les blogs et les cartes, maigre consolation.

    Thank you Diana for this lovely Easter challenge.
    Stay confined, it's important.
    In France, it is also very very worrying ...
    Easter is well compromised and families will not be reunited.
    We still have blogs and maps, little consolation.

  3. Yes, this whole coronavirus pandemic has really turned everything on its head, and it's hard to believe it's only been less than a month since the California shelter-in-place. I had been staying home for a full week before that, due to severe asthma, so it's been longer for me. Strange to think that a month ago, I was cruising through the aisles at Target and Michaels Crafts, with no idea of how bad this would get. Stay safe Diana, and thanks for sharing these hilarious masked bunny cards with us. Laughter is always good for the soul.

  4. What a great theme, Diana! Thanks for the challenge and adorable inspiration! I like that you put masks on the bunnies! We're in our 5th week of staying home here in Nova Scotia (Canada). It's been rough and I've lost a lot of my crafty mojo but slowly getting it back. We're allowed out for walks (no socializing permitted) so we've been going almost daily, weather permitting, and that's what's keeping me sane. Hang in there!


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