Tuesday, June 1, 2021

DL.ART JUNE 2021 Linky challenge

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART JUNE 2021 Linky challenge

and mermaid warrior digital stamp
buttons, flair, badges
Elusive mermaid art
and crinkle ribbon

Happy May!!!!

Welcome to the DL.ART JUNE 2021 Linky challenge

How was the month of May for you? I sure hope it was good and you are having all kinds of fun.  Father's  day is around the corner are you prepared?

 My Father and FIL are no longer with us and I certainly miss them both, but Father's day is a day to celebrate the life they lived never the less.

My dad was so good with pulling a coin out of my ear and mouth, to this day I can not figure out how he was so quick at hiding those and then having them reappear. and I was the the tom boy that always went fishing with him. he was and still is my hero. Him and my mom were so in love. I use to see them hug and kiss all the time.

 My father in law was so funny, I miss him very much, he told the corniest jokes, but they were the kind that made you laugh until your stomach hurt. He was such a kind and gentle man. He adored my mother in law and I loved to see that.

Here are a few questions for you. 

#1. Do you celebrate Father's day?

#2. How do you celebrate if you do?

#3 Do you make any special project in June? 

On to the challenge: As always anything goes

I embossed the card and envelope, the butterfly inside is hand colored
 the DSP is from country roads from hobby lobby paper, just because is a CTMH stamp Twine from DL.ART
I love how it came out

To be eligible for the prize

Be a Follower
Enter  as often as you like
Please link to DL.ART blog post, not to the general blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
caption : with your name only 

leave a comment
my answers to my questions

1. Yes even though our Dads's are gone we honor them
We say a prayer for them and tell some of their corny jokes

3. Yes , but I make special projects every month, so nothing new.

4.25 x 5.5 paper and
 DL.ART crinkle ribbon
and some twine

follow me on Instagram 
also link your project up on IG 
 let me know so I can follow you back

Challenge is open until June 30, 2021 11:55pm PST

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. Pretty card and envelope! Yes we Celebrate Father’s Day even though my father and father-in-law are no longer with us. My sons and their family comes over for lunch. I do make a Father’s Day card for my husband
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  2. I loved hearing about your dad and father-in-law Diana. Like you, both my father and father-in-law are gone but I have such fond memories of my dad. He died at a fairly young age and he always made us laugh. I usually send a father's day card to my son-in-law now, to thank him for being such a great father to my grandchildren.

  3. Amazing card and envelope. Well done!
    Valerija xx

  4. Your card and embossed envelope are sooooooooo pretty, Diana!! What a great look with the matching embossing.
    Yes, we celebrate Father's Day, but it isn't always right on the day. My hubby's work schedule takes him out of town and so we celebrate with a special dinner and gifts for him when he is home. I don't really make special projects for June, except for a card for him....sometimes. lol.
    Thank you for another fun Linky Party!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  5. Loved your card and your sentiment about Dads!

  6. Love your card!! I am fortunate enough to still have my dad so I do celebrate Father's Day for him and for my brother who is a dad now himself. I don't do too much for the day, just make my dad a card and pasta and he's happy. I'll be making several patriotic projects this month, I think that's pretty special!

  7. Hi Diane, I so enjoyed your comments about your father and FIL. Mine are both gone, too. I was very close to my Dad, and I miss him every day. I celebrate his memory on Father's Day (and every day).

  8. Lovely card, Diana. Love that paisley embossing folder. We do celebrate Father's Day; usually by going out to eat with my hubby's son & DIL. And I always make him a card. This year's card will have a grill on it with a fun sentiment for the inside that I found on the web.

  9. Lovely card! And thanks for listing the Winner on the landing page...I always have a time finding the Winner..:)

  10. Wonderful card my friend!! I absolutely love the embossing~~

  11. Hello, Diana! Thank you for the Linky for June! Your card and envelope are gorgeous - I love the colour and especially the embossing! As for your questions...
    #1 Yes
    #2 Make a card for Dad and one for Brian from the kitties. I will also be calling Dad. Brian's Dad passed many years ago and I never met him, but Brian usually shares some memories of the good old days.
    #3 No special projects, just whatever strikes my fancy. Not feeling particularly creative at this time so who knows.

  12. Beautiful embossing. We do celebrate Father's Day. My and my husband's fathers have passed away so we made a visit to their graves. Our daughter is coming over and we are going out to eat since we've all be vaccinated. I never got to make this card before Father's Day but I'm all ready for next year!

  13. Hi, Diana, your card and envelope are stunning.
    As for your questions...
    #1, #2 No, we don't have this holiday here and we don't celebrate it in our country but I love my dad and I visit my parents every weekend. We barbecued last weekend.
    #3 No special projects and we are having heat wave here, so I am not very creative...
    hugs xx


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