Thursday, May 31, 2018

Why are you not getting emails notifying you of comments and a coffee card

CLICK HERE for the Beatrix Potter post
DL.ART store- Funky Hearts - great for anytime
They are here - Pokemon Flair, Star wars
 dogs, cats  and more.
***********************************************************************************CLICK HERE for DL.ART Thankful Thursday #229
Challenge "Graduation"  (and you can always substitute with a thank you card)

New release  DL.ART crinkle ribbon bundle Meadow and Stream

Hi Everyone,

I have noticed a lot of my blogger buddies are confused about what is going on with blogger and the fact that they are no longer getting announcements in their email box that someone has left a comment. Blogger has been revamping its products that we can use and retiring some that they feel are no longer necessary.

Here is a link to that information for those of you who might like to know more.  There are a lot of questions here, but blogger doesn't seem to answer any of them.

If you stick around with blogger you will find out what is happening, but a few of my friends are jumping ship and going to typepad or wordpress

CLICK HERE if you are curious

This is not a worry or a concern to me, I'm just sharing information for those who would like to know more about what is going on.

Have you seen my new hand dyed crinkle  ribbons? What do you think.

Have a blessed day,


DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #229 "Graduation"

CLICK HERE for the Beatrix Potter post
DL.ART store- Funky Hearts - great for anytime
They are here - Pokemon Flair, Star wars
 dogs, cats  and more.
***********************************************************************************CLICK HERE for DL.ART Thankful Thursday #229
Challenge "Graduation"  (and you can always substitute with a thank you card)

New release  DL.ART crinkle ribbon bundle Meadow and Stream

Happy  Thursday  Everyone,

Welcome to week #2 of the
DL.ART Thankful Thursday
 Challenge #229 "Graduation"

Yes it is graduation time. Do you have a graduate in your family this year? We have a grand nephew graduating this year. I really wanted to use ribbon, but I just thought the twine was a better fit. I just love the simplicity of this card.  I wish I could be hand delivering this one, but unfortunately I will have to ship it out.  The thick white twine can be found in the DLART store. The card is 5 x 7- I hope you like it

Guest Designer
Donna Ellis

Newest DL.ART  hand dyed crinkle ribbon  bundles- New release

If you like Beatrix Potter the pins are available now at DL.ART store.
"Beatrix Potter Flair buttons"  
I have 5 sets with 6 buttons to each set 

The Rainbow Bundle $7.79 or a mini bundle for $4.69
3 yards of each color for a total of 18 yards
mini bundle is 1 1/2 yards of each color for a total of 9 yards

The challenge will run from May 24, 2018  9:00 am PST until
June 13, 2018 11:55 pm
This is a three week long challenge


To Be eligible for the prize
3 entry limit  -2 extra entries because this is a three week challenge
 = 5 total
Be a follower
Show this blog link on your blog 
*Leave a comment and have fun

Have a blessed day, Diana

Friday, May 25, 2018

Happy Birthday BFF

Happy Friday and Good evening everyone.

I got another coffee card done which also fits in as a birthday card and I will put this in a few challenges. The coffee stamp I used is from AI and the the hole reinforcements that I used for balloons and the birthday image are from PTI card stock is stampers select

Just wanted to let you know the coffee lovers blog hop is in full swing and here is some info

I am in the Coffee lovers Blog Hop and I am also one of the super sponsors. 
What this means

1. I am offering 2- $10.00 discount codes to the DL.ART store
2. I am offering a flash prize
3. I am offering a 25 % discount on all coffee themed products in my DL.ART store

+  CLICK HERE and leave a comment on that post for A PRIZE of a coffee bundle, twine and some coffee themed buttons and I will pick and announce a  winner  on June 3 

Check Out the brown & white twine  available in the DL.ART store.

Here is the link to the Coffee lovers blog hop and challenge. Have fun and join in the hop.

Have a blessed day Diana

Coffee Lovers 2018 Spring/Summer blog hop

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the coffee lovers Blog Hop!! The other day I woke up at 3:40 in the morning and thought I better go back to sleep so I can get up in the normal morning and have my cup of coffee.  It was so good!! I love the first cup of coffee in the am, don't you?

I am in the Coffee lovers Blog Hop and I am also one of the super sponsors. 
What this means

1. I am offering 2- $10.00 discount codes to the DL.ART store
2. I am offering a flash prize
3. I am offering a 25 % discount on all coffee themed products in my DL.ART store

+ leave a comment on this post for A PRIZE of a coffee bundle, twine and some coffee themed buttons and I will pick and announce a  winner  on June 3 

Check Out the brown & white twine  available in the DL.ART store.
Everything on the card was from stash and I used deco pearl drops 

Here is the link to the Coffee lovers blog hop and challenge. Have fun and join in the hop.

Have a blessed day Diana

Thursday, May 24, 2018

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #229 "Graduation"

CLICK HERE for the Beatrix Potter post
DL.ART store- Funky Hearts - great for anytime
They are here - Pokemon Flair, Star wars
 dogs, cats  and more.
***********************************************************************************CLICK HERE for DL.ART Thankful Thursday #229
Challenge "Graduation"  (and you can always substitute with a thank you card)

New release  DL.ART crinkle ribbon bundle Meadow and Stream

Happy  Thursday  Everyone,

Welcome to 
DL.ART Thankful Thursday
 Challenge #229 "Graduation"

Yes it is graduation time. Do you have a graduate in your family this year? We have a grand nephew graduating this year. I really wanted to use ribbon, but I just thought the twine was a better fit. I just love the simplicity of this card.  I wish I could be hand delivering this one, but unfortunately I will have to ship it out.  The thick white twine can be found in the DLART store. The card is 5 x 7- I hope you like it

Guest Designer
Donna Ellis

Newest DL.ART  hand dyed crinkle ribbon  bundles- New release

If you like Beatrix Potter the pins are available now at DL.ART store.
"Beatrix Potter Flair buttons"  
I have 5 sets with 6 buttons to each set 

The Rainbow Bundle $7.79 or a mini bundle for $4.69
3 yards of each color for a total of 18 yards
mini bundle is 1 1/2 yards of each color for a total of 9 yards

The challenge will run from May 24, 2018  9:00 am PST until
June 13, 2018 11:55 pm
This is a three week long challenge


To Be eligible for the prize
3 entry limit  -2 extra entries because this is a three week challenge
 = 5 total
Be a follower
Show this blog link on your blog 
*Leave a comment and have fun

Have a blessed day, Diana

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

WINNER of the DL.ART THANKFUL THURSDAY #227 "Mother's day"

CLICK HERE for the Beatrix Potter post

DL.ART store- Funky Hearts - great for anytime
They are here - Pokemon Flair, Star wars
 dogs, cats  and more.

***********************************************************************************CLICK HERE for DL.ART Thankful Thursday #228
Challenge "Birthday"  (and you can always substitute with a thank you card)

Hi Everyone,

Happy Day,
 and what a perfect day to pick a winner!! Enjoy your day whatever you do.

YEAH!!!!!! to the winner!!

All claimed prizes will be shipped as soon as I can humanly get them shipped.

Follow on Bloglovin


First of all, the team and I have loved seeing all your awesome cards and projects that were submitted for the DL.ART THANKFUL THURSDAY "Mother's day"  challenge  #227,  you all did a great job!!   It was so nice to see so many great projects in one spot. I was honored to have them on my blog.

Did you notice that quite a while back I added an alternative to my numbered challenges?  You can always add a Thank you card as an alternate to the theme of the challenge- I love seeing thank you cards or anything that has to do with being thankful for what we have.




Click here to see the entries.

CONGRATULATIONS to the winner of the DL.ART THANKFUL THURSDAY #227 "Mother's day"
There were __32__entries.
The winner is #14


Please grab my badge and display it
as a winner of the DL.ART Thankful Thursday challenge

DL.ART logo with web address photo Capture DL logo with web address._zpsfl4kkzhr.jpg

Please send me an e-mail, with your address, if necessary, so I can get your prize to you or the info to my sponsor. Also please leave a comment on this post

My contact information is at the top of my blog

Have a blessed day, Diana

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Laytons legacy card drive & fund raiser

  • Happy Saturday,

  • 1. DONATE! - directly to Layton's Legacy YouCaring Fundraiser. For every $5 donated, you will be entered into the drawing for one of the prizes above!! All winners will be drawn from donations made thru the YouCaring Site. **Prizes will be drawn and announced here on my blog on Saturday, May 19th.**

    2. SHARE! - I know that not everyone is able to donate, but sharing about the fundraiser gives it more visibility! Please feel free to share the YouCaring Link or this post on all your social media outlets!

    3. CREATE! - this is also a card drive, and if you'd like to create a card using the theme/moodboard below, I would love that! I will be including these handmade treasures with the giftcards when I hand them over to the NICU social worker, and my dream is that the NICU will be covered in beautiful creations inspired by Layton!! Link them up HERE, and then please email me ( to get the address for sending - and note that I will need them to arrive by May 31st.

    There are two ways to stay updated on the fundraising progress, and to see photos as I drop items off at the NICU.
    1. Subscribe to the Lea Lawson Creates blog via email using the prompt in the upper right corner - then you will get email notifications when I add a new post.
    2. Follow Lea Lawson Creates on Instagram. I will add photos & videos to my IG Stories, and likely go LIVE a few times throughout the fundraising effort and as we drop everything off at the NICU!
    Anything you can do can help a mom or dad thrust into NICU life feel like someone out there cares about them as they go through a time that is very scary and very hard. THANK YOU from the very bottom of my heart for helping me do this!

    Not only is this a fundraiser, but also a super inspiring blog hop with MANY stops along the way! As you hop along, you will see amazing cards created with a very special theme. I created this moodboard when we started planning Layton's nursery, and it is my very heart poured into a graphic. We have also chosen to go with encouraging sentiments, in hopes that the NICU parents that receive these cards will feel uplifted, even if only for a moment.


  • I am hoping to make a few more cards to send this weekend, but this is the first I used Amy Tangerine from American crafts and pieced everything from the 6 X 6 cardstock the colors are just perfect for the challenge
 The cause is very near and dear to my heart. A few years ago my grand nephew Stanley James was born with a heart problem After three heart surgeries, he was such a fighter and we thought he was gonna make it. He stole my heart he was in the NICU at Henry Ford Hospital in MI and when his little body could not make it and he passed away at 8 weeks I wept. I can't even imagine how hard it was for the parents

  • I am hoping to make a few more cards to send this weekend, but this is the first I used Amy Tangerine from American crafts and pieced everything from the 6 X 6 cardstock the colors are just perfect for the challenge
 The cause is very near and dear to my heart. A few years ago my grand nephew Stanley James was born with a heart problem After three heart surgeries, he was such a fighter and we thought he was gonna make it. He stole my heart he was in the NICU at Henry Ford Hospital in MI and when his little body could not make it and he passed away at 8 weeks I wept. I can't even imagine how hard it was for the parents

I hope you will play along.
Have  a blessed day, Diana

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