CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)
Elusive mermaid art
CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)
CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)
January 28, 2021
Happy Thankful Thursday,
I am thankful for the rain today. This is a major storm right now. But we need the rains bad.
Sadly, a lot of the people who had to evacuate in the summer from the CZU fire had to evacuate from this storm due to the fire scars. The scars left from the fire could cause mud slides. We have a few more days of the rain, but it won't be real heavy now and the evacuation orders have just been lifted so the people can go back to their homes.
On another bright note the covid stay at home orders are being relaxed now, so there is outdoor dining and 25% capacity indoor dining in our area.
To top it off here is something that will put a smile on your face.
What are you thankful for today?
CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)
Happy Monday,
How is your new year going so far?
I just now posted the prize for the the DL.ART January 2021 Linky challenge. You still have a week to join in the challenge. I would love to see your work
CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)
CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)
Happy Thursday!!!!!
On January 1, 2021 I celebrated my 10 Year Blogaversary
It really did sneak up on me, I have given this a lot of thought and I have decided to put the DL.ART THANKFUL THURSDAY on hold until April 1, 2021 and that is no joke.
I really want thank all of you who have been entering my challenges and joining in the fun over the years. I need more time for myself right now and I know all of you will understand. I was very busy with orders during the holidays and everything is starting to wind down a bit now. I need to reorganize and decide what is staying and what is going
Hopefully , we will all have a fresh start in the spring and I can start the DL.ART THANKFUL THURSDAY challenge up again with renewed energy.
The DL.ART monthly challenge will still be open, so please continue to come over and enter that.
CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)
Happy New Year!!!!!
Happy 10 Year Blogaversary to me- that snuck up on me, I will post more about that tomorrow.
Welcome to the DL.ART January 2021 linky challenge
Wasn't 2020 fun? Share with us your happiest moments.
For me it was being with my husband 24/7. We discussed every meal we were going to have. He did the shopping, I made the meals. I love how well we get along. I am really truly blessed. We celebrated our 43rd Anniversary on November 13.
I am also glad I kept my blog up, even though some days were tough to think of something to post I started working on it and ideas began to flow. I cherish all my bloggy friends and if it brightened a dull spot in your day than I am blessed as much as you.
There will be some changes to my blog this year, for instance you can enter the monthly challenge as often as you like, more details to follow on that.
Do you have any fun plans for 2021? like traveling, dinners with family. meet ups. Are you planning any on line course Is your state open? that kind of stuff. I plan on doing more art and hopefully enter more challenges. I am also hopefully going to see more friends as soon as the pandemic has subsided and people are getting healthy.
On to the challenge: As always anything goes