Friday, January 1, 2021

DL.ART January 2021 linky challenge & 10 year Blogaversary

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

Happy New Year!!!!!

Happy 10 Year Blogaversary to me- that snuck up on me, I will post more about that tomorrow.

Welcome to the DL.ART January 2021 linky challenge

Wasn't 2020 fun? Share with us your happiest moments.  

For me it was being with my husband 24/7.  We discussed every meal we were going to have. He did the shopping, I made the meals. I love how well we get along. I am really truly blessed.  We celebrated our 43rd Anniversary on November 13. 

I am also glad I kept my blog up, even though some days were tough to think of something to post I started working on it and ideas began to flow.  I cherish all my bloggy friends and if it brightened a dull spot in your day than I am blessed as much as you.

There will be some changes to my blog this year, for instance you can enter the monthly challenge as often as you like, more details to follow on that. 

Do you have any fun plans for 2021? like traveling, dinners with family. meet ups. Are you planning any on line course Is your state open? that kind of stuff.  I plan on doing more art and hopefully enter more challenges. I am also hopefully going to see more friends as soon as the pandemic has subsided and people are getting healthy.

On to the challenge: As always anything goes

To be eligible for the prize

Be a Follower
Enter  as often as you like
Please link to DL.ART blog post, not to the general blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
caption : with your name only 

leave a comment

A scrapbook kit

This may be a collectors item pretty soon

follow me on Instagram 
also link your project up on IG 

Challenge is open until January 31, 2021 11:55pm PST

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. 10 years! Congratulation, Diana, and Happy New Year!

  2. Congrats on your 10 year blogaversary! That's awesome!

  3. Wow, 10 year blogaversary...that's wonderful Diana! Happy New Year to you, and let's hope things improve in 2021 and we can see our loved ones more often. We were fortunate in that 2020 didn't impact us much at all. My husband and I had pretty much the same arrangement as you in that he did almost all the shopping. Since we ran a business for 25 years and worked/lived together 24/7 all that time, being housebound here wasn't very difficult. I do miss seeing my family and friends though.
    Happy New Year to you, and thanks for being such a bright spot on your blog.

  4. Congrats to you!! Yay!! Happy New Year!!

  5. Have a great blogaversary!! Best part of 2020 was the best neighbors on the block. We connected every Friday night (properly social distanced)at the end of our block and shared a glass of wine. Once every one brought jigsaw puzzles to exchange and we laid them in the street and everyone pick some new ones for them. I tell my friends to continue to hang in there this will abate soon and we have already come this far.

  6. congratulations! Wow ten years that's awesome. Happy New Year and happy anniversary as well! He sounds like a keeper.

    I'll be honest, 2020 was rough. I'm in Michigan and we've had sooooo many restrictions. I can't medically wear a mask so I've been houseridden since March! It's so unfair and uncomfortable and it hasn't improved anything so why bother?

    In 2021 I'm hoping to resume getting together with my crafty friends, to make even more cards, to be more diligent with my blogging! Here's to a better year for all of us.

  7. Congratulations on a 10 year anniversary! Have a very happy year!

  8. 10 years! Congrats to you!
    In 2021 I'm looking forward to seeing smiles when the masks come off. And I plan to hug everyone and anyone in sight, especially my grandkids and great grandkids. But most of all, I am going to hold my newest great granddaughter, born Dec 18th, the first chance I get.

  9. Congratulations, Diana! 10 years is awesome - Happy Blogiversary! 2020 wasn't the best year for me health-wise, but hubby and I watched more movies and Netflix, so that was fun. I got to see my parents only twice last year so hopefully will see them more in 2021. Happy New Year to you! Thanks for the new linky - I will link up soon!

  10. Wow! 10 years - that's fabulous!! Congratulations, Diana.

  11. Happy New Year Diana!
    Congratulations on your 10 year blogaversary!
    Valerija xx

  12. Congratulations! Happy 10th to you! xx

  13. Tens year is something to celebrate Diana! Yes, 2020 was a truly unusual year, and a really tough one for so many. However, I was fortunate in that our family remained safe and healthy, and I'm a true homebody anyway. Hoping for the best in 2021, and a crafty New Year!

  14. Congrats on your 10 year blogaversary, wow!
    hoping to remain healthy and to travel, we miss this!
    hugs xx

  15. congrats on 10 years! thanks so much for the grinches and paper! I received them today.



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