Saturday, December 26, 2020

Winners from a few challenges Year end wrap up.

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness
CLICK HERE for the DL.ART December 2020 linky challenge
CLICK HERE for the winners of the DL.ART 8th Annual Elf Antics linky challenge

DLART- new Paris, night owl flair, llamas, cupcakes, religious themed
Vintage Doll Faces thread spool tops, 
Rescue pets

Hi Everyone,

Happy Saturday,
  Enjoy your day whatever you do.

YEAH!!!!!! to the winners!!

 DL.ART Thankful Thursday challenge #269 "Breast cancer Awareness challenge:  Click here  
Winner #4 Joy Wilson 
5 yards rose 5 yards pink champagne


DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #271
Winner #10  Alicia Bryant 
PRIZE: 6 x 6 paper & Flair


DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #272 
"Red & Green"
#10 Denise Bryant
PRIZE" Grinch flair & Grinch ribbon bundle.


DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge # 273
Any Winter Holiday
Winner #15 DebB
PRIZE a 5 x7 art print from my store your choice here is the link to my store

DL.ART November 2020 Linky Challenge 
Anything goes
Winner #39 Julie O.
PRIZE $10.00 gift code to my store 

Please grab my badge and display it
as a winner of the DL.ART 2020 linky challenges and display it on your blog

Please send me an e-mail, with your address, if necessary, so I can get your prize to you. Also please leave a comment on this post 
My contact information is at the top of my blog

Follow on Bloglovin

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. Congrats to all of the winners!!

  2. Thanks so much, Diana! I look forward to the Grinch prize arriving in the mail! Sent you my info!
    Congrats to Joy, Alicia and DebB also!

  3. Congrats to the winners!
    Have a great day!


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