Thursday, May 12, 2022


CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART MAY 2022 Linky challenge

 Hero Nurse digital stamp and mermaid warrior digital stamp
New buttons, Pregnancy, cupcakes, religious
Elusive mermaid art
and crinkle ribbon

Welcome to  

 CHALLENGE # 299 "Graduation" 

Happy Thursday! 

It is that time of year when everyone celebrates one person or another in their family graduating, who is it for you?

Another digital card designed by me.  No one is graduating in our family this year. That is quite a surprise for me.

Week #1

What are you working on now? Are you making Graduation cards, projects, cooking, sewing?

Please follow the challenge rules 

Follow me
3 entry  per week
Please link to the post, not to the blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
so others can play along
leave a comment

The challenge runs through May 25, 2022 at 11:55 p.m. PST

This challenge runs 2 weeks
challenges I am entering this project in:

Many blessings,

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I like that graduation card! Fun sentiment and great, modern design. I have only one graduation card to make this year...for a friend's daughter who is graduating from college. My niece and nephew will be graduating college in a couple of years, but not much until then.


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