Thursday, March 12, 2020

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #255 "Anything green"

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART MARCH 2020 linky challenge

Elusive mermaid
and crinkle ribbon

Welcome to  
DL.ART Thankful Thursday 
Challenge #255 "Anything green"

Hello  Everyone, 

What beautiful weather we are having it was 71 degrees here yesterday and it is suppose to be the same today. We  were suppose to have rain yesterday, instead we got a rolling thunder and couple of spits.  We really do need some rain.

We have 4 confirmed cases of the corona virus in our city. City managers have declared Santa Cruz a state of emergency. Many of the places I go are limiting the amount of people in certain areas.  My church which is one of the largest gathering places in our area on Sundays will not be having live services, however they will be streamed.
 This is very serious and I think some people are taking it too lightly while others are going overboard.  Stay calm and be patient we will get through this.  None of us knows what the other person is going through so please be kind to each and be safe.

I am  curious, How is it going in your area with CO-VID 19, and do you feel prepared?  what are you doing to be prepared?


I make these sticky note holders all the time and decided to make one with an initial today I like the way this came out. Everything was made from my stash. I hope you like my project.

On to the challenge:

challenges :


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This challenge is just for FUN

The challenge will run from February 27, 2020,  9:00 am PST until March 11, 2020 11:55 pm

Have a blessed day Diana


  1. Great idea, this is so cute and so useful, hugs, Lori m

  2. Cute note holder! It has been crazy in the stores around here too. Shelves are empty. I am not taking it likely but not going crazy about it neither. I think the media needs to tone it down.
    Have a great day!


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