Thursday, March 26, 2020

DL.ART Thankful Thursday Challenge #256 "Dogs and/or Puppies"

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART MARCH 2020 linky challenge

Elusive mermaid
and crinkle ribbon

Welcome to
DL.ART Thankful Thursday 
Challenge #256 "Dogs and/or Puppies"

Hello  Everyone, 

This is a sneak peak of my dog card. It is from a kit by basic grey, one of my many favorite paper companies,  which is sadly no longer in the paper business. When they were going out of business I bought a fairly large grab bag package from them. There were about five kits in there as I recall and a bunch of random packs of paper large and small. There were also brads and other embellishments.

I think the card is just adorable. what do you think?

We are 10 days into the shelter in place order now. I have stayed away from shopping. David (the hubs) has been venturing out. The sad thing is only 1/3 of what is on the list is brought back. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better and then he will not have to go back out for a few weeks. We do take daily walks out doors, which is nice even though we have had rain (desperately needed) for the last few days.

I am  curious, How is it going in your area with CO-VID 19, and do you feel prepared?  what are you doing to be prepared?


On to the challenge:

challenges :


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Here is a sneak peak of a fun puppy card.
This challenge is just for FUN

The challenge will run from March 26, 2020,  9:00 am PST until April 8, 2020 11:55 pm

Have a blessed day Diana


  1. Adorable card Diana, glad you and hubs are staying safe. Stay well, hugs, Lori m

  2. Hi Diana! Your card is adorable! and I too hoarded some Basic Grey papers & kits! :) I use to LOVE them! I actually have this paper and dog! hahahaha
    I've had to work, but I'm working at night when everyone has left the building - Have been bored all day and haven't felt like crafting much... maybe this weekend? I too have struggled to find items I actual need and not hoard like others have - I may have to venture out to get a bag of potatoes (Haven't found any yet) and some better quality paper towels... I was desperate and bought some cheap version and they are horrible to use! But I needed some at the time... so I bought them and now I'm in need of paper towels again! grr... Good luck finding what you need! HUGS!


  3. Cute card Diana! We do go out to the stores when we need to get things. It is still hard to find some things but we make do.
    Have a great day!

  4. Adorable dog and card! Rosi x

  5. What a adorable card, Diana!! Love the pretty papers and the cute dog!! Stay safe!!
    Have a great day,


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