Good Morning Friends,
I guess I was loopy yesterday I thought it was the last day of June. Today is. Happy Last day of the month
Here is my adventure. Monday I hurt my right shoulder moving the shed preparing the area for the painting crew
I did not realize until Tuesday morning how bad it hurt until I started sweating profusely and then having the chills and then down right getting sick--- I won't go into detail there. Tuesday I sat in one spot almost the whole day. On Wednesday I thought it might be a little better. Thursday I decided I needed to go to Urgent care, Hubby took me Thank goodness, I love him to pieces. Three hours and five X-RAYS later, I find out I have a torn ligament by the sternum and clavicle, a rip in the AC near the arm and shoulder, and a pulled muscle at the trapezius and up my neck.ouch! ouch! ouch! They prescribed pain killer and muscle relaxers, so I took them for two days and stopped last night. I did not like the reaction's I was having to the medicine. However I did liked not feeling the pain (being at 14 on a scale from 1-10), I thought it was a good idea. The pain is barely bearable, but I am going to try to go without and hope I don't do any further injury. It does not hurt too much typing as long as I keep my arm really close to my side. Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to do any cards for a while.
I am a little ahead, I have done some of my projects for design team posts and thank goodness for pre-posts.
My DL.ART Thursdays will still continue, the good news is I will be able to comment more
Congratulations Karen of little scrap pieces. Please send me your snail mail address so I can get your prize out to you.
Be blessed, I am for knowing each of you, Diana