Monday, December 20, 2021

DL.ART 9th Annual Elf Antics Linky Party- day 20

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART December 2021 Linky challenge

DLARTHero Nurse digital stamp and mermaid warrior digital stamp
New buttons, Pregnancy, cupcakes, religious
Elusive mermaid art
and crinkle ribbon

Welcome to Day 20

  DL.ART 9th Annual Elf Antics Linky Party.... 

Happy Monday,

I wanted to see how much quicker or accurate the maker is over my Explore. It will take me awhile to decide.  I will have to do some very tiny cuts, Jr. was all up for that, she wants a little book to read.  Any idea what elves read? 
The girls were so excited to help make these treats and they both loved how they came out.  We made a couple dozen, and now they will be much harder to get to if the little elves decide they want to be sneaky tonight.  The treats have homes they are going to.

Have you seen the new elf stamps Hope helped make?
They are available in my store  for a limited time. When Hope goes away they will go away also.

Hope also loved the Grinch bundle, did you notice the other day she was laying in it.

The Grinch buttons are not for sale however, I am giving them away with every order over $10.00 (after discounts and before tax and shipping)
 you will receive 5 Grinch flair.  $3.75 retail
This will end on the December 24

Please follow the challenge rules 
for the DL.ART 9th Annual Elf Antic Party

Follow me
Enter every day as often as you like 
Please link to the post, not to the blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
so others can play along
leave a comment

Hope will be posting everyday make sure you leave a comment because she will have SURPRISE giveaways from random picks of fun elf sightings or should we say Shenanigan's 

The DL.ART 9th Annual Elf Antic Party  will start on December 1 and runs through December 24, 2021 at 11:55 p.m. PST
This challenge runs when my elf leaves

Many blessings,


  1. Your treat bags turned out so cute! Love how you packaged everything. I'm sure Hope and Jr. are very proud. I'm not familiar with the new craft machines. Haven't used any in years, but tiny cuts seem like a great idea. I'm sure elves would love to read "The Night Before Christmas" and "The Polar Express".

  2. Eli loves to read books about other elves! He likes lots of pictures as well. He reads his 2021 elf annual book every single day! He likes books about Christmas, books about Santa, about candy, chocolate, reindeer, and books about gingerbreads too! Looking forward to seeing Jr's tiny book! I love all of the yummy treats you and the girls made! Eli is taking a nap now but he will be linking up later today! See you then!

  3. That's right. The cellophane will be all crinkly and noisy if someone tries to open them. I bet that little Hope Jr. could open it with no noise though. Lovely makes!

  4. Wow, you were very busy making lots of festive, yummy goodies!! So fun.

  5. Oh my goodness, these treat holders are just adorable! I love the idea of an elf sized book for the girls and think they would love books about the beach. Hope and Hope Jr seem to beg for beach jaunts every day, so a nice book for them to enjoy when they go back to the North Pole would be a great idea.


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