Saturday, December 4, 2021

DL.ART 9th Annual Elf Antics Linky Party Day 4

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART December 2021 Linky challenge

DLARTHero Nurse digital stamp and mermaid warrior digital stamp
New buttons, Pregnancy, cupcakes, religious
Elusive mermaid art
and crinkle ribbon

Welcome to Day 4

  DL.ART 9th Annual Elf Antics Linky Party.... 

Happy Saturday,

The girls, Hope and Hope Jr. decided they wanted to go to the beach instead of shopping again.  I am starting to worry about them, they keep putting off new clothes and we can't go today, because the front door is being painted, we have to stay home.   
While at the beach they saw this sign and got really nervous, and wanted to go to higher ground,  so they jumped up on top of the sign.  I tried to console them, but also let them know that if there was a tsunami, being on top of this sign would do them no good.

We had a tsunami here a few years back,. There was an 8.9 earthquake in Japan and on March 11, 2011 the Tsunami struck our shore. Most of the damage occurred at The Santa Cruz Harbor. The water rose 3 feet  and sank quite a few boats and damaged near 50 the damages were 26 million.  We were un anticipation  of it, but very glad it wasn't worse. It mainly stayed in the Harbor area.   


Hope has a giveaway right off the bat. She has made a Christmas Sticker set but you have to do your part,

1. You will need to send a self addressed, 
stamped (first class 1 oz.) 5 x7 envelope * to
Diana M. Larson & Hope
P.O. Box 4264
Santa Cruz, CA. 95063

post marked by no later than Dec 6 2021

* if you live out of the United States you can send me through Pay pal friends & family only  the cost of a first class 1 oz.  US stamp postage to wherever you live.  It varies by country.

just remove the dashed lines.

Mail a self addressed 5 X 7 envelope post marked  by Dec 6, 2021.

2. You will need to enter your elf antics project each day starting on Dec 1 - and promote the linky party on your blog or social media.

3. Leave a comment on each post.

As soon as I receive your stamped envelope I will mail out the stickers. I will start sending them out on the 6th

They are really cute.
if you would like to purchase them they are available in my store  for a limited time. When Hope goes away they will go away also.

Hope also loved the Grinch bundle, did you notice yesterday she was laying in it.

The Grinch buttons are not for sale however, I am giving them away with every order over $10.00 (after discounts and before tax and shipping)
 you will receive 5 Grinch flair.  $3.75 retail
This will end on the December 24

Please follow the challenge rules 
for the DL.ART 9th Annual Elf Antic Party

Follow me
Enter every day as often as you like 
Please link to the post, not to the blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
so others can play along
leave a comment

Hope will be posting everyday make sure you leave a comment because she will have SURPRISE giveaways from random picks of fun elf sightings or should we say Shenanigan's 

The DL.ART 9th Annual Elf Antic Party  will start on December 1 and runs through December 24, 2021 at 11:55 p.m. PST
This challenge runs when my elf leaves

Many blessings,


  1. Now experienced a tsunami but have experienced many a hurricane. Elves, Daisy & Holly, are showing off my Reindeer Wreath.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. Meant never experienced a tsunami.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. OH my goodness! I don't remember that at all. Very scary. (Both the event, and me not remembering. LOL) I don't really blame them for being scared although higher ground would definitely need to be higher than that. Stay safe, girls

  4. It's December 4 already! Hello to all elves and those who enjoy elves! My elf Eli has brought with him from the North Pole a new book! It's called "The Elf on the Shelf Annual 2021" by LB Books, and Eli is learning things about elves that even he didn't know! Maybe he will share some of his knowledge this month. In the meantime, here is Eli pictured with a page from the book showing some jolly jokes. Do you have a favourite? See link #32.

  5. I remember when that tsunami happened in Japan, but I didn't realize your area was impacted. I can see why Hope and Mini Hope are frightened!

  6. Wow, I know that San Francisco us experiencing the King Tides right now, but never saw a tsunami warning sign in Santa Cruz when I lived there. I can see why Hope and Hope Jr are nervous and might want to keep their water wings handy!

  7. Eeek! I would jump up on top of that sign too, if I were Hope. She doesn't want to get her sweet jacket all wet. Loopy would probably jump back in the car is she saw the sign, because her swimming skills aren't the best. Not much chance for swimming at the North Pole!


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