Wednesday, December 1, 2021

DL.ART December 2021 Linky challenge

CLICK HERE Random acts of Kindness (Random Freebies)

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART December 2021 Linky challenge

CLICK HERE for the DL.ART 9th Annual Elf Antics Linky Party

and mermaid warrior digital stamp
buttons, flair, badges
Elusive mermaid art
and crinkle ribbon

Happy December!!!!

Welcome to the DL.ART December 2021 Linky challenge

How was the month of November for you? I loved it, We did not get much rain in November, I hope we get some soon or we will be in a worse draught than the past year.  We have been going to the gym more in November than the previous month and I continue to feel a bit stronger from lifting weights.  We are also doing quite a bit around the house, we are still just finishing up the painting so now we are waiting on the painters to do the front door, hopefully it will be on a warm day because we will have to have our door open for a few hours.  The front door is scheduled to be painted on December 4th, it is suppose to be a warm day.

Did you enjoy your last month?   

#1. If so, what was your favorite part?

#2. What is your favorite part about December?

#3 Do you make any special plans or projects in December? 

On to the challenge: As always anything goes

Isn't this just the coolest treat box ever?

Cut on my Cricut machine using my Graphics 45 Christmas paper and an

 SVG cut

To be eligible for the prize

Be a Follower
Enter  as often as you like
Please link to DL.ART blog post, not to the general blog
Make sure to put the link to this challenge on your blog post
caption : with your name only 

leave a comment
my answers to my questions
1. I enjoyed November very much, we went out a lot and got quite  a few gym workouts in.  I always feel so good afterward.

2. What I love about December is the kindness that I see in a lot of people. I wish there was more of that all year round

3. Yes,
Getting through my blog posts, shipping out lots of orders and cards and presents to family  Christmas projects

6 x 6 paper and
 DL.ART crinkle ribbon
and some twine

follow me on Instagram 

 let me know you are following me so I can follow you back

Challenge is open until December 31, 2021 11:55pm PST

Have a blessed day, Diana


  1. Happy December, Diana! Thank you for a new linky! I just linked up my first entry - I used some of your green crinkle ribbon on my tag! As for your questions, November was great and my favourite things about November were Beccy's Month of Holiday Cards and the Coffee Lovers Blog Hop, so fun! I also enjoyed making lots of holiday cards! As for December, I'm looking forward to mailing out my cards and maybe seeing family if the government doesn't lock us down again. Its looking like they will, so can't really plan anything. Special projects for December will be finishing up holiday cards and finishing a gratitude journal for Dad. Mom's is already finished. My parents enjoy writing in their gratitude journals every day and look forward to receiving a new one from me each year.

  2. I was so excited about the new linky that I forgot to say how beautiful your treat box is! The tree design is gorgeous!

  3. Wow, Diana, this treat box really is awesome and amazing! So very cute and festive. And I just love that you could fit a tall snowman or Santa in there. F*U*N!!!

  4. Your treat box is beautiful and so fun!
    It feel like November went by in a blink! Looking forward to decorating the house for Christmas this weekend and hopefully time will slow down a little bit!!
    Thanks for the challenge!

  5. Wow, your treat box is amazing. Love the design.
    Nothing special in November. My favorite part about December are Holidays and more time with my family. In December I will make some more Christmas cards, I will bake cookies with kids, decorate the house...
    Hugs, Valerija

  6. With my little boy turning 3 this month, and then Christmas and all that comes with it, this is going to be a crazy month full of fun. Your treat box project is so pretty and creative! My favorite part of November was going to my parent's for Thanksgiving day and sharing great family time with them. We had all the traditional turkey and trimmings, and my favorite pumpkin pie.
    My favorite part of December is seeing friends and family, and watching my kids' excitement . That means I'm super busy with parties, school activities, present buying and wrapping, and decorating...but I love it.

  7. This is indeed a super cool Box Diana...fantastic !
    Cheers, Dr Sonia

  8. Love your treat box, Diana! I enjoyed a mild November. I could spend many days outdoors. I'm always happiest outside.

  9. A very pretty treat box my friend!!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  10. Happy December to you Diana! Whew, it was a mad rush up to Christmas and now I can breathe a little bit. It's time to put away the wrappings and bows, and to start planning my cards for next christmas. My special projects for this month were all about Christmas, but my youngest grandchild turned 3, so there were some birthday cards and decorations mixed in as well. December is always filled with friends and family, which is my favorite part.

  11. wow, such a special box, amazing design.
    November was great, our oldest son had his birthday and we were all healthy.
    My favorite part about December are Holidays and more time with my family. I made some Christmas cards, achieved to send it, uf, and spent a lot of time together.
    happy new year!


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